Winter beauty

I was going to write a commentary on common courtesy today, inspired by a writer friend’s blog on assertiveness vs. rudenss, but Mother Nature put on a show with an ice fog over the Ottawa River this morning. It was too pretty to pass by (I even braved a -33C/-27F wind chill for this!), so instead of a mild rant, you get these.  Enjoy! 🙂



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4 responses to “Winter beauty”

  1. D. D. Syrdal Avatar

    Wow, just stunning. That shot of the sun over the foggy lake is beautiful (well they’re all beautiful, but that one really stands out). I love fog, despite how hazardous it can be to drive in. It’s mysterious and otherworldly. I feel like any minute now I could step through and find myself in Narnia or Oz 🙂

    1. lindapoitevin Avatar

      This one had a particularly otherworldly feel to it with all the frost on the trees. Very Narnia-ish. 🙂

  2. Steve Schwartzman Avatar

    I find the picture of the sun in the fog over the water to be quite captivating. (I don’t know that I could’ve braved a wind chill as low as the one you did: that’s one reason I chose to live in central Texas.)

    Steve Schwartzman

    1. lindapoitevin Avatar

      Thanks, Steve! It was a tad cool out there, all right. And I was using an i-Phone, so had to take my gloves off to use the touch screen. Could’ve taken more photos if frostbite hadn’t threatened to set in. 😉

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