I was going to write a commentary on common courtesy today, inspired by a writer friend’s blog on assertiveness vs. rudenss, but Mother Nature put on a show with an ice fog over the Ottawa River this morning. It was too pretty to pass by (I even braved a -33C/-27F wind chill for this!), so instead of a mild rant, you get these. Enjoy! 🙂
Winter beauty
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4 responses to “Winter beauty”
Wow, just stunning. That shot of the sun over the foggy lake is beautiful (well they’re all beautiful, but that one really stands out). I love fog, despite how hazardous it can be to drive in. It’s mysterious and otherworldly. I feel like any minute now I could step through and find myself in Narnia or Oz 🙂
This one had a particularly otherworldly feel to it with all the frost on the trees. Very Narnia-ish. 🙂
I find the picture of the sun in the fog over the water to be quite captivating. (I don’t know that I could’ve braved a wind chill as low as the one you did: that’s one reason I chose to live in central Texas.)
Steve Schwartzman
Thanks, Steve! It was a tad cool out there, all right. And I was using an i-Phone, so had to take my gloves off to use the touch screen. Could’ve taken more photos if frostbite hadn’t threatened to set in. 😉
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