Sins of the Angels has well and truly been launched in style! Β The Collected Works Bookstore in Ottawa hosted a lovely gathering last night to celebrate the first book in The Grigori Legacy series.
The official launch was standing-room only after attracting about 80 people…
Our good friends at Blue Gypsy Wines provided an array of their newly launched fruit wines…
We had cake…
…I signed books (54 of them!!!)…
…and did my first-ever reading (and despite my jitters, survived!!!)…
It was a wonderful evening filled with great fun, and I was both thrilled and touched by the number of people who turned out to share it with me. A special thanks goes out to Ottawa-area book bloggers Julie of Yummy Men & Kick-Ass Chicks and Carmel of Rabid Reads, who were first in line for their signed copies. The very talented Julie even brought me a present to help celebrate! π
If you missed this launch and will be in the Ottawa area next April, we’ll be celebrating all over again with the release of Sins of the Son: Book Two of the Grigori Legacy…you canΒ watch my Events page for updates! π
Have a lovely rest-of-the-weekend!
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