Tuesday Tidbits

And so another Christmas has come and gone. I hope you enjoyed yours!

My best Christmas take-away this year: Laughter. SO many laughs with family and good friends, and I treasure each and every one of them. We had our kids and their significant others over for dinner on Christmas Eve, a good friend on Christmas Day, and more good friends on Boxing Day…and the laughs were definitely the best part of each of those days.

My greatest Christmas challenge: Missing my youngest at the Christmas dinner table. She has Asperger’s, and just as we were sitting down to dinner, it kicked in big-time, and she ended up taking refuge in her room for the entire dinner. I’m well used to these episodes, so they don’t bother me personally (I’ve learned to just give her the time and space she needs to recover), but she told me later that this one made her sad because she’d wanted to be there…and that broke my heart. She’s already recovered and moved on, of course, but it will take me a while to do likewise.

What I received: Besides the gifts of laughter, family, and friends? 🙂 A gorgeous set of red-and-black plaid Christmas napkins (cloth ones!) and napkin rings, a book I’ve been wanting for ages (Humans of New York Stories), a Fitbit, and a new bird feeder (the squirrel-proof kind…theoretically 😉 ).

What I did lots of: Walking. I’m up to an hour and 40 minutes six days a week (I’ve done a couple of two-hour stints, but that was pushing it, so for now, 1:40 seems to be a good fit for me), and aiming to double that by spring. There’s a story behind the long distances I’m doing, but I’ll save that for another blog post. 😉 The cool thing about my new Fitbit has been its tracking feature and finding out that I’m actually walking a lot further than I thought I was…I hit the 9 km mark yesterday! 😀

What I’m not doing so much of: Writing. In fact, I’ve completely set it aside for the moment because of youngest’s upcoming move (we leave for Toronto a week from today…eep!!! 😯 ). Which means I am so gonna have to get my butt in gear when we get back… 😛

What I’m not impressed with: The weather. I know winter had to come sooner or later (we had a gloriously mild Christmas, and as of Boxing Day, there were still golfers out on the local course!), but did it have to arrive all at once?!? Here’s what we woke up to today…and it’s still coming down. Whee? 😉


What I’m focusing on for the next couple of weeks: Youngest. With her move looming just days away, she’s been wanting to spend more time with me, and I’m totally on board with that idea. We have an adult colouring date today, and we’re going to squeeze in a cheesecake date sometime before we take her to Toronto…along with all the just-hanging-out-at-home mama/daughter time she wants. 🙂

And on that note, we’ll be on the road next Tuesday, so you may not hear from me that day…or for many days, to be honest. So, in case I don’t make it back here before/at New Year’s, have a safe and happy one…and may much happiness be yours in 2016!



P.S. Oh, yes…and in case you missed it, I wrote a free holiday short for you this year! Enjoy! 🙂





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3 responses to “Tuesday Tidbits”

  1. valerieraemillard Avatar

    Glad to hear you’re taking a well deserved break Linda. We’ll miss you but the short was GREAT! Looking forward to more when the time comes. ☺️

  2. valerieraemillard Avatar

    P.S. Happy New Year to you & yours ?

    1. Linda Avatar

      Thanks so much, Valerie! The same to you! 🙂

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