Tag: update

  • New Year, New Plan

    Hey, everyone! I hope you all had a good/reasonably good/survivable holiday! And welcome to 2017 on the blog. 🙂 You’ll notice I’m starting off on the right foot with an actual blog post. Aren’t you proud of me? Because yeah…I kinda fell down on the blog thing last year. I kinda fell down on a lot…

  • Tuesday Tidbits

    And so another Christmas has come and gone. I hope you enjoyed yours! My best Christmas take-away this year: Laughter. SO many laughs with family and good friends, and I treasure each and every one of them. We had our kids and their significant others over for dinner on Christmas Eve, a good friend on…

  • Tuesday Tidbits

    Greetings, fellow humans! So here’s what’s happening in my corner of the world right now… What I’ve accomplished: My house is decorated! The tree won’t go up until December 20th (because hubby refuses to put it up without all the kids in attendance…I think he’s having a tougher time with this impending empty-nest thing than…

  • The Tuesday Low-down

    (This post was supposed to have been the Monday Low-down, but yeah…life. 😛 ) Where I’ve been: Besides absent from the blog? Toronto! Youngest daughter had an entrance exam for a game design program, so we took her down for it last Thursday, and SHE PASSED!!! So then we needed to find housing for her (she…

  • Progress Report

    I’m making a concerted effort to blog on a more regular basis, and to keep readers better updated on what’s happening in my writing life. So with a view to the whole two-birds-one-stone thing 😉 , here’s where things sit right now: Forever Grace, the third book in my Ever After contemporary romance series, is now…

  • What’s in the Works

    So 2015 appears to be off to a busy start for me, with more projects on the go than I can keep track of…again. I must admit, however, that I kinda like my life that way. In fact, I tend not to handle “spare” time well, lol, and I have a habit of filling it up…

  • Of Writing Detours and Shiny New Projects…

    If you’re a Grigori Legacy series fan and you follow me on Facebook and/or Twitter, you may have seen my posts about a new project that appears to be taking me down an entirely new path. This may have inspired slight panic among those of you who are patiently waiting on book 4, Sins of the Warrior…

  • Recap of a Rollercoaster Week

    Goodness, what a week! Between blog tour, release day, and the first reviews beginning to trickle in, this is pretty much how I felt…   Only maybe not so young. Or thin. But I digress… 😉 To recap, this is where I’ve been & what I’ve done this week: Guest post at Phantasmic Reads on…

  • Slightly Frantic Update

    Yesterday I finished a marathon session of copy editing on Sins of the Lost. Copy edits aren’t usually that intense, but because the manuscript went straight to that stage before coming back to me, there was some substantial tweaking to be done as well. Mostly because I’d been sooooo late getting the book written that it had…

  • Beginnings and Goodbyes

    Have you ever noticed how the good and bad in life sometimes get all tangled up together so that your poor brain isn’t sure what the heck you’re supposed to be feeling? Yeah, it’s been that kind of a week around here. sigh On the definitely good side, Gwynneth Ever After is up for sale…