Tag: Uncategorized

  • Guest Post: The Chaotic Creativity of Laura Hunsaker

    Guest Post: The Chaotic Creativity of Laura Hunsaker

    I have a special treat for you today — a guest post from romance author Laura Hunsaker! I know Laura from Twitter, where she has the delightful moniker of Highland Hussy and is great fun to chat with, which is how I learned that she has a recent new release. And because we can all…

  • Life + Creativity = Chaos

    Life + Creativity = Chaos

    Sometimes… Sometimes, despite our very best intentions (and efforts), creativity just… doesn’t go as planned. Like when the weather turns so cold that your poor, ancient, blockheater-less vehicle needs to be parked in your garage, and your workshop space disappears, and your list of projects begins to grow at an alarming rate. And then the…

  • Creativity in the midst of chaos

    Creativity in the midst of chaos

    Dear gods above, it has been A. WEEK. O.o Insurrection. Political insanity. COVID numbers skyrocketing. And I don’t know how many other awful bits of news that have been buried in the avalanche of just the above. (I’m frankly scared to look into it.) You know that saying, “May you live in interesting times?” I’d…

  • Testing… testing… Is this thing on?

    Testing… testing… Is this thing on?

    *Writer walks up to blog ‘microphone’ and taps it. A loud squeal emerges. She clears her throat.* Hey, there, she says. Long time, no blog, amIright? Like… a really, really long time. But I think (maybe) my dry spell here is over, thanks to Jenny Trout and her recent Year of Chaotic Creation post. Because…

  • A Slight Service Interruption…Please Stand By

    If you’re not directly involved with the publishing industry, you may not have heard about the Pronoun debacle. What is Pronoun? Well, it was a third-party distributor of e-books to retailers, and a fantastically fabulous resource for indie writers (like myself). I loved it soooooo much. And now you’re probably wondering what the debacle was. Well, long…

  • The Week in Pictorial Review (November 2)

    So it turns out that I was wrong in my last newsletter…Facebook says it isn’t going to take page posts out of people’s newsfeeds. Yet. But I suspect it may only be a matter of time until they follow through on the idea (or some equally annoying one ::rolls eyes::), and so I thought I’d continue with…

  • My writing life…exciting news and updates!

    So things have been happening around here in my writing life. Exciting things. SERIOUSLY exciting things. Like signing with a brand new agent. Who sounds totally awesome (we talked about books a lot) and comes highly recommended. And who wants to pitch my about-to-be-self-published SHADOW OF DOUBT to New York publishers. 😯 For real. See? I told…

  • A Young Man Will be Buried Today

    Trigger warning: This post deals with the suicide of a young man. It is real. It is raw. It happened. A young man will be buried today. He was 22 years old, and he was convinced he would be missed by no one if he ceased to exist. He was wrong. I didn’t know Jordan…

  • A Valentine’s Radish Giveaway!

    You may have heard me mention that I’ll be publishing a story on a new reading app soon. It’s called Radish (the app, not the story!), and (fingers crossed) it will be launching mid month with a whole bunch of new stories for you to try out — including the romantic suspense I’ve been working on. Woo!…

  • Zombie Apocalypse Delayed

    If you’ve been waiting around for the Zombie Apocalypse to happen, you can breathe a little easier, my friends, because I happen to know that it’s been postponed by a year. And how do I know this? Because I’m not ready for it this year, and so that’s just the way it has to be,…