Tag: Teaser Tuesday

  • Teaser Tuesday — and proof of progress!

    While I haven’t yet finished the first draft of book 3, Sins of the Righteous, I promise that I am working on it! In fact, it’s going rather well these days (unlike, I admit, the way it went over the summer…sigh…). As evidence tends to speak for itself, however, I thought I’d share an excerpt with you…

  • Teaser Tuesday #5

    This is it, guys…your last teaser before Sins of the Son releases next week! I hope you’ve enjoyed the little glimpses into the story waiting for you – and I hope you’ll let me know what you think of the book when you read it. Enjoy! 🙂 Seth’s gaze sharpened. “This attraction between us isn’t new, then.”…

  • Teaser Tuesday #4

    TWO WEEKS til release!!! And here is your second-to-last teaser from Sins of the Son: Reaching the end of the hall, Riley inserted the key into a door on the left-hand side and pushed into a room. Alex drew a breath and followed. Inside, she scanned her surroundings with a cop’s attention to detail that…

  • Teaser Tuesday #3

    Three weeks and counting…welcome back for another look at Sins of the Son! 🙂 “What do you mean, he’s alive?” The One stared at Verchiel. “He can’t be. I am the Creator. I would have felt the presence of my own son.” Verchiel tightened her fingers on the sheet of paper she held. “I don’t know…

  • Teaser Tuesday #2

    Welcome back for another peek at Sins of the Son! Michael glowered at the other Archangel. “Let me get this straight. I question a decision and she stops speaking to me for four and a half thousand years and then sends you to collect on the promise I made her. Mittron orchestrates a chain of…

  • Teaser Tuesday #1

    So here it is, as promised. The first of 5 excerpts from Sins of the Son over the next 5 weeks leading up to RELEASE DAY!!! (Ahem. Sorry about that. Just a little excited over here. ;)) I hope you enjoy, and don’t forget to come back next Tuesday for another tidbit. 🙂 The air around Mittron stilled.…

  • Countdown to release day!

    One short year ago, it felt like forever before my first book would hit bookstore shelves…and now not only has Sins of the Angels been out for almost six full months, but  I find myself counting down the weeks until the secondbook in The Grigori Legacy follows suit. Yes, folks, it’s officially countdown time for Sins of the Son…and in keeping with…

  • Sins of the Son update

    So, apart from taking winter pictures and dealing with life transitions (again!) as my daughter finishes up a semester of high school and prepares to move to a new setting, I really have been doing some of that writing-related stuff, too. Honest! To bring you up to speed: I’m currently better than halfway through my re-read…

  • Teaser Tuesday Finale

    Next Tuesday is the official release of Sins of the Angels . . . I hope you’ve enjoyed the sneak peeks over the last five weeks, and that you’re now intrigued enough to head straight out and get your very own copy. 🙂 It’s been fun sharing with you, and I’m really looking forward to…

  • Teaser Tuesday Part 4

    Welcome back to the fourth excerpt from Sins of the Angels — enjoy, because next week will be the last! 🙂 Aramael swallowed a snarl and heaved his pen across the room. “We’re wasting time. This is getting us nowhere.” Alex looked up from the files she’d spread across the conference table, frustration stamped in…