Tag: Stuff

  • A Few of My Favourite Things…and An Ear-Worm

      So I’m out walking the dog along the river yesterday, and as I’m taking photos of all the lovely signs of spring, I’m trying to come up with taglines for them in case I decide to post them to Facebook. And because I’m a writer, I get carried away with the whole waxing poetic thing.…

  • Recap of a Rollercoaster Week

    Goodness, what a week! Between blog tour, release day, and the first reviews beginning to trickle in, this is pretty much how I felt…   Only maybe not so young. Or thin. But I digress… 😉 To recap, this is where I’ve been & what I’ve done this week: Guest post at Phantasmic Reads on…

  • Slightly Frantic Update

    Yesterday I finished a marathon session of copy editing on Sins of the Lost. Copy edits aren’t usually that intense, but because the manuscript went straight to that stage before coming back to me, there was some substantial tweaking to be done as well. Mostly because I’d been sooooo late getting the book written that it had…

  • The Cost of Self-Publishing

    Gwynneth Ever After marks my first self-publishing effort — and a huge learning curve in my career. While I posted a little bit about my journey here, here, here, and here, I thought it would be nice to provide a wrap-up of my experience — complete with a cost break-down for those of you who may…

  • The Rabbit Wars Part 2: Meet Fergus

    So here’s part 2 in The Rabbit Wars: I made it out to Lee Valley to buy the motion-activated sprinkler as planned — and got as far as their garden equipment displays (just inside the door) before the plan fell apart. 😛 What caused such disintegration, you ask? Only the fact that they have SO.…

  • The Rabbit Wars

    I am at war and this is my enemy: Wait! Before you go ‘awwww‘, don’t be fooled by the apparent cute, fluffy innocence. Trust me, this is a monster in disguise, wreaking havoc on the innocent and leaving destruction and ruin in its wake. No, seriously. What, you don’t believe me? See for yourself. Day…

  • Delays, Summaries, & Other Randomness

    Good gravy, it’s already the end of another week (insert head slap here)?!? Wow. It’s bad enough that time is passing way too fast, but the fact that it’s doing so AND I’m not accomplishing what I need to? That really is adding insult to injury. 🙁 But enough whining. Here’s a quick look back…

  • Team Grigori wants YOU!!

    After letting things slide a little (ahem!) over the last few months as I focused on finishing the manuscript for Sins of the Lost, I’m finally getting back on track again with a number of projects. One of the really fun ones that I’ve dusted off and given a fresh polish to is my Team…

  • Pictures from a Convention

    Three cheers for me — I just pressed ‘send’ and the manuscript for Sins  of the Lost has been submitted!!!  You can’t begin to imagine the happy-dancing going on around here. And not just my own. I think my husband is about ready for a meal that doesn’t come out of a package…and maybe some…

  • Of Broken Digits and Looming Deadlines

    Twelve days to deadline for Sins of the Lost. I’ve faced tight deadlines before, but this one…this one is definitely going to be the most interesting. I don’t even want to think about where I am and how far I have to go in the story. Needless to say, I could have done without the…