Tag: special events

  • Official Launch for Forever Grace

    As if it wasn’t exciting enough that Forever Grace officially releases today (woot!!!), the print copies I ordered have also arrived! Actual, real, physical copies…aren’t they bee-yoo-tiful? 😀 The best part of their arrival (apart from being able to sigh over them 😉 ) is that it means I can go ahead with the launch I’ve been planning locally (phew!). So…ahem…here’s the…

  • Almost Wordless Wednesday: 25 years ago today

    A special day in my life today as I celebrate 25 years of marriage (yes, to the same man!)…and marvel at how I can possibly be old enough to do so. I dusted off my wedding album last night and pulled this out to share with you. 🙂

  • The Grigori Legacy Goes Home

    Given that the Grigori Legacy series begins in Toronto (and, indeed, spends much of its time there), it really was about time that I ventured down to that city to do a book signing…and that’s exactly what I did this past weekend. 🙂 The World’s Biggest Bookstore has been promoting me as its Featured Urban…

  • Save the Bookstores Day, June 16, 2012

    If you’re reading this author’s blog, it’s pretty safe to assume that you enjoy books. I’d also venture a guess that you also (most likely) enjoy going to bookstores. And that you may even buy some of your books AT those bookstores. Am I right? 😉 Well, my friends, tomorrow is the perfect time to…