Tag: Social Media Mondays
How to Cheat at Writing a Blog Post
It’s Social Media Monday here on my blog, but sadly, I don’t have an actual post for you today. Instead, I’m going to show you a little trick I use when I need to post and I haven’t done my homework. 🙂 I’m going to give you a quick update and a list of all…
The Great Facebook Debate: Page or Profile?
Early on in my writing career, I made the decision to use a Facebook page for my author presence instead of my personal profile. There were a number of reasons for this. First and foremost, of course, is the fact that Facebook’s policies clearly state that you cannot “use your personal timeline primarily for your…
We Interrupt this Blog Post…
So. Today is Social Media Monday on my blog…the time and place where I’m supposed to impart some gem of wisdom or another to you that I’ve picked up over my forays into–you guessed it–social media over the last couple of years. Unfortunately, today’s episode isn’t going to happen. Oh, I’ve got all kinds of…
Beware the Dark Side of the Web
I have a question for you: have you ever stopped to look—really look—at a spider’s web? Take a moment to study the image above. Look beyond the incredibly beautiful intricacies of something woven by such a tiny creature (because wow, it really is awesome). See more than the water droplets and the silken strands. Instead,…
Why Fiction Writers Need to Blog (and What to Blog About)
So, now that you have your author website up and running (and have all the critical elements in place that we discussed last week), I thought we’d tackle another important aspect of your site: the blog. Or if you prefer (and you feel the way I did about blogging when I began), The Dreaded Blog.…
How to Build an Author Website: Are you doing it right?
When I decided to run the Social Media Monday series, one of the most difficult things for me was figuring out where to even begin. Social media (in case you haven’t noticed) is huge. The platforms, communities, groups, hangouts, and places to see and be seen are endless. Even if you pare it down to…
Social Media Mondays: a series for writers
Welcome to Social Media Mondays on my blog—a series created with writers in mind. Having spent the last two years in one of the steepest learning curves I’ve ever undertaken, I have amassed mountains of information about social media and marketing for writers. In the spirit of paying it forward, I’ve decided it’s time to…