Tag: promo

  • Twitterquette: 5 Tips for Authors

    When I first joined Twitter two years ago, I knew nothing about using it. Learning to post my thoughts in 140 characters or less was excruciating; talking to myself (because I had no followers to speak of at first) brought back unpleasant memories of my high school wallflower days; and I committed just about every faux pas…

  • Netgalley: Another Step Toward Self-Publishing

    I’m just a few weeks away from the release of Gwynneth Ever After and, slowly but surely, I’m making progress. The ISBN number came through on day 10 of the 6-10 business days I was told it would take. Once I had that, I was able to have the digital file uploaded to Netgalley for reviewers…

  • A Writer’s Guide to Book Blogger Etiquette

    In the course of two book releases over the last six months, I have been privileged to ‘meet’ many wonderful book bloggers who have reviewed my books, allowed me to guest post, interviewed me, and participated in my online book tours. Did the blogger always like my book and give me a positive review? No.…

  • Keep on swimming…

    I have officially reached the OMG-release-is-three-days-away-I-still-have-so-much-to-do!!! frenzy. Sigh. What is it about big events in your life that no matter how carefully you plan your time, no matter how much attention you pay to detail, everything still manages to spin out of control? In my case, it’s inevitably a matter of underestimating the impact the…

  • In my mailbox

    These arrived in my mail yesterday — making Sins of the Son‘s release that much more real…and that much closer! 🙂

  • Sins of the Son update

    So, apart from taking winter pictures and dealing with life transitions (again!) as my daughter finishes up a semester of high school and prepares to move to a new setting, I really have been doing some of that writing-related stuff, too. Honest! To bring you up to speed: I’m currently better than halfway through my re-read…

  • Book Bash!

    So…originally the idea was to have my official online launch at Bitten by Books on release day. Unfortunately, however, something came up at Rachel’s end and she asked me to postpone. It was one of those good-news/bad-news scenarios because I had greatly looked forward to the BBB release, but at the time, Stella from Ex…