Tag: preserving

  • Zombie Preparedness: The Final Reckoning

    Well, with our nighttime temps threatening to fall below freezing this weekend, I think I can safely declare that summer is over. Like it or not, it’s time to rake the leaves, put away the garden solar lights and chair cushions, and just generally batten down the hatches, so to speak.  It’s time, too, to retire my…

  • Recipes by Request: Dilly Beans

    Continuing with my ‘preserving’ theme for recipes, I wanted to share one with you for my pickled beans. My daughters adore these—swearing they’re the best thing ever when served with a Bloody Mary. I can’t comment on the pairing idea as I’m not a fan of that particular beverage, but I can say that, even…

  • There’s Something About Autumn…

    There’s something about autumn, I’ve decided, that makes me super productive. Take this past weekend, for instance. On Saturday morning, I headed to the farmer’s market…and came home with 80 lbs of tomatoes and 20 lbs of onions. By Saturday evening, I had processed half the tomatoes, giving me 18 pints of plain canned and…

  • Zombie Preparations and Other News

    So the really exciting news is that I have the galleys back for Sins of the Lost already! Yeah, I know…that was fast. Of course, because my life tends to follow an it-never-rains-but-it-pours kind of pattern, this last crazy phase leading up to release has landed right in the middle of canning season. My proofread is due…