Tag: pictures
Almost Wordless Wednesday: 25 years ago today
A special day in my life today as I celebrate 25 years of marriage (yes, to the same man!)…and marvel at how I can possibly be old enough to do so. I dusted off my wedding album last night and pulled this out to share with you. 🙂
Wordless Wednesday
My Canada Day in Pictures: Reliving the War of 1812
If you read my blog a few days ago, you know I spent Canada Day (July 1st), at a naval battle reenactment on the St. Lawrence River at Kingston, not far from Ottawa. A part of the bicentennial celebrations for the War of 1812 between us and our southern neighbours, the event involved several tall…
The Grigori Legacy Goes Home
Given that the Grigori Legacy series begins in Toronto (and, indeed, spends much of its time there), it really was about time that I ventured down to that city to do a book signing…and that’s exactly what I did this past weekend. 🙂 The World’s Biggest Bookstore has been promoting me as its Featured Urban…
Wordless Wednesday
Mostly Wordless Wednesday
I dug this out of my winter archives. While it is “Wordless” Wednesday, I think a few words are needed just for context. On the right is my boot print (size 9 ladies); on the left, my dog’s paw print. ‘Nuff said. 😉
Wordless Wednesday…because a picture is worth a thousand words
Winter photo shoot
So from the number of photos I’m posting on here, you’d think I was a photographer rather than a writer. But Mother Nature is putting on such stunningly beautiful displays…how can I possibly resist? For your viewing pleasure, then, today’s efforts: [slideshow]
Wordless Wednesday: A Touch of Narnia
Hobnobbing with the Famous
Spotted Sins of the Angels nestled amid famous company this week at a Coles Bookstore in Ottawa: And yes, this makes me very happy. 🙂 🙂 🙂