Tag: pictures

  • Almost Wordless Wednesday: 25 years ago today

    A special day in my life today as I celebrate 25 years of marriage (yes, to the same man!)…and marvel at how I can possibly be old enough to do so. I dusted off my wedding album last night and pulled this out to share with you. 🙂

  • Wordless Wednesday

  • My Canada Day in Pictures: Reliving the War of 1812

    If you read my blog a few days ago, you know I spent Canada Day (July 1st), at a naval battle reenactment on the St. Lawrence River at Kingston, not far from Ottawa. A part of the bicentennial celebrations for the War of 1812 between us and our southern neighbours, the event involved several tall…

  • The Grigori Legacy Goes Home

    Given that the Grigori Legacy series begins in Toronto (and, indeed, spends much of its time there), it really was about time that I ventured down to that city to do a book signing…and that’s exactly what I did this past weekend. 🙂 The World’s Biggest Bookstore has been promoting me as its Featured Urban…

  • Wordless Wednesday

  • Mostly Wordless Wednesday

    I dug this out of my winter archives. While it is “Wordless” Wednesday, I think a few words are needed just for context. On the right is my boot print (size 9 ladies); on the left, my dog’s paw print. ‘Nuff said. 😉

  • Wordless Wednesday…because a picture is worth a thousand words

  • Winter photo shoot

    So from the number of photos I’m posting on here, you’d think I was a photographer rather than a writer. But Mother Nature is putting on such stunningly beautiful displays…how can I possibly resist? For your viewing pleasure, then, today’s efforts: [slideshow]

  • Wordless Wednesday: A Touch of Narnia

  • Hobnobbing with the Famous

    Spotted Sins of the Angels nestled amid famous company this week at a Coles Bookstore in Ottawa: And yes, this makes me very happy. 🙂 🙂 🙂