Tag: photographs

  • Wordless Wednesday

    If you like my Wordless Wednesday photos, check out my new Woodland Rambles blog for more! 🙂

  • Wordless Wednesday

  • Remembering Our Fallen Heroes: Police Memorial Day

    Each year, the last Sunday of September marks the Police and Peace Officers’ National Memorial Day. Officers from all over North America gather on Parliament Hill in Ottawa to remember comrades who have fallen in the line of duty. They are joined by hundreds of civilians, there to honour those who put their lives on…

  • Monday musings…

    Well, it appears that Time has done it to me again: it’s September. As in no longer August. Or summer. Already things are winding down in my garden; already I’m eyeing the budget wondering when I can order the winter supply of firewood and beef; already I’m wondering what my daughters will want for (and…

  • Things to do, places to go…

    So my sister has been here for a week and already we have: Been to a medieval festival Hiked all over the MacKenzie King Estate in Gatineau Park (and lunched at the Tea Room there)   Visited Blue Gypsy Wines and the nearby town of Merrickville Browsed the stores of Westboro in Ottawa Spent a…

  • The Grigori Legacy Goes Home

    Given that the Grigori Legacy series begins in Toronto (and, indeed, spends much of its time there), it really was about time that I ventured down to that city to do a book signing…and that’s exactly what I did this past weekend. 🙂 The World’s Biggest Bookstore has been promoting me as its Featured Urban…

  • A Walk in the Woods: Wordless Wednesday


  • Wordless Wednesday

  • Mostly Wordless Wednesday

    I dug this out of my winter archives. While it is “Wordless” Wednesday, I think a few words are needed just for context. On the right is my boot print (size 9 ladies); on the left, my dog’s paw print. ‘Nuff said. 😉

  • Wordless Wednesday…because a picture is worth a thousand words