Tag: observations

  • After the holidays: Climbing back into the writing saddle

    I don’t often take a break from a work-in-progress these days, because with my characters living (and speaking) inside my head 24/7, there doesn’t seem to be much point. When I do take a vacation, however, getting back into my story can be a challenge. Depending on how long my break has been, I’m sometimes…

  • New Moon, New Year, New Beginnings

    My daughter informed me yesterday that our New Year will begin tomorrow with a new moon. In pagan terms, a new moon signifies new beginnings. I find this to be most appropriate…and more than a little comforting, because, friends, I will not be sad to bid adieu to 2013. Oh, the year wasn’t without its…

  • You know you’re doing weekends wrong when…

    Two weekends ago, with winter fast approaching, I decided we needed to clean out the garage (so the vehicle will fit into it) and put the yard to bed for the season. The first task took five hours of hard labour; the second, a full seven. This past weekend, my husband and I helped our…

  • Zombie Preparedness: The Final Reckoning

    Well, with our nighttime temps threatening to fall below freezing this weekend, I think I can safely declare that summer is over. Like it or not, it’s time to rake the leaves, put away the garden solar lights and chair cushions, and just generally batten down the hatches, so to speak.  It’s time, too, to retire my…

  • My Two Cents: Sexism in Science Fiction & Fantasy

    Yesterday I read a very thought-provoking post by author Delilah S. Dawson on the topic of sexism in the publishing industry — specifically in the science fiction/fantasy arena. I can’t even begin to summarize her words in any way that will do justice to her experiences, so take a moment and go read her post…I’ll…

  • 5 Things I Learned Last Weekend

    This past weekend was a long one here in Canada as we celebrated Victoria Day. Well…some of us celebrated. Others took the opportunity to hand their spouses a long “honey-do” list as they looked to take advantage of the weather and that lovely extra day. In case you hadn’t already guessed, I was one of…

  • Reflections on a Birthday

    Today is my birthday, and I am 52 years old. While that may seem rather ancient to some of you, those close to the same mark (or above it) will regard it as surprisingly young…as I do myself, most days. 😉 However you view the number, there’s no denying that 52 years contains a significant…

  • 5 Reasons We Should Appreciate Our Index Fingers

    Ah, the index finger. A quiet little digit that we take entirely for granted, paying it little to no attention, using it freely and without thought… Until it’s out of commission. Then it’s a whole different story. Because the most mundane, automatic tasks become outright challenges — sometimes insurmountable ones. Having broken my left index…

  • It’s Winter: Let the Whining Begin

    Before I begin, let me just say that I’ve tried — really tried — to embrace the whole spirit of winter thing. I’ve done the snowshoeing and the cross-country skiing; I’ve admired the sparkling beauty of fresh snow on a sunny day (and beneath a full moon, for that matter); I’ve thrown myself with determined…

  • Without a Trace: Where have all the Tweeple gone?

    Every so often, as I’m looking up followers on Twitter, I come across someone who hasn’t posted for months or even years. It’s odd. They post regularly for the longest time, sometimes several times a day, and then…nothing. It’s as if they’ve disappeared from the face of the planet, leaving behind a fading Internet footprint,…