Tag: Life

  • Thoughts on a birthday

    Thoughts on a birthday

    I turn 58 years old today. That makes me five years older than my father was when he died, and five years younger than my mother was when she died. It’s a weird place to be. And it leads to some interesting introspection. The days pass so quickly now. On some, I feel older than my…

  • Writing Through (and Despite?) the Chaos

    The human condition is a flawed one indeed. The past year or so has made that painfully, excruciatingly obvious. And I gotta tell you, there have been many times I’ve wondered not just why I continue writing stories of love and hope and triumph but whether I even should, because it feels so…trivial sometimes. Never…

  • The Halt and the Lame

    Weekend before last, on Mother’s Day to be exact, I broke my left baby toe. It’s about the sixth or seventh time I’ve done it, and so I did what I always do…I carried on. In this case, carrying on meant putting in my vegetable garden and getting the yard work done, plus making dinner and that…

  • Because yes, the world needs more letters

    I love social media. I really do. I love how it has connected (or reconnected) people all over the globe. I love that it has opened doors to new friendships, renewed old ones, and made our globe feel so, so much smaller. But. But. A couple of months ago, I received a letter from one of my…

  • January: The Month of Kick-Assedness

    I went into this year with a single resolution: to be the best version of myself that I could be. I’m calling it my year of the non-resolution resolution. And gosh-darned if it isn’t working.  Mostly because it turns out that it really is about the little things, like not going back to bed after…

  • The Year of the Non-resolution Resolution (Or, Why I’m Not Making Promises I May/May Not be Able to Keep This Year)

    I’m done with resolutions. My husband is mildly horrified at the idea, but he’s wise enough not to say anything. He’s also wise enough not to try to guilt-trip me with his own (I’m sure) extensive list, just as I won’t question his decision to make the list in the first place. (It’s this kind…

  • Whaddya mean it’s DECEMBER already?!

    All right, hands up all of you who looked at the calendar this morning and suffered near immediate heart failure. Because surely I can’t be alone in this. I mean, yes, the date yesterday was November 30, but did that necessarily mean that December had to follow on the very next day? I think not. And…

  • Because Stuff Happens

    In the past four days, in preparation for my 30th anniversary getaway with my husband, I’ve had my hair cut and highlighted, I’ve had a mani-pedi done, and I’ve bought the first new suit I’ve owned since before I got pregnant with our twins almost 27 years ago. Yesterday morning, I wrote a blog post…

  • I’m Away From My Desk Right Now…Please Leave a Message

    Guys!!! I’m going on HOLIDAY!!! Albeit a short holiday, but still… It’ll be the first time I’ve been away from my desk since our last anniversary getaway a year ago…and I’m so excited, I’m practically dancing. We’ll be gone for five days and four nights. That’s five whole days of not having to worry about groceries, cooking,…

  • The Mysterious Case of the Missing Zucchini

    If you think it would be difficult to misplace two rather large zucchinis, you don’t know me very well. Because I’ve managed to do so. Two very large zucchinis, to be exact. Measuring roughly 15 inches each. I picked them out of the garden yesterday, and I remember carrying them around with me while I did a…