Tag: Halloween
From My Graveyard to Yours…Happy Halloween!
I am a sucker for cute cats (which explains why Itty Bitty Pretty Kitty gets away with so much around here!). And cute (but long-suffering) cats in costume? Those are even better! Here’s a random collection from the Internet…along with my warmest wishes for a safe and happy Halloween! 🙂 (My favourites are the bat…
PumpkInferno: A Walk on the Dark Side of Upper Canada Village
Upper Canada Village, an awesome historic site depicting life in the 1860s, is only about an hour’s drive from Ottawa. We used to go every year or two when our kids were small, but rarely get back there now that they’re grown. Last night marked an exception to this, and am I ever glad we…
‘Tis All Hallows’ Eve…
‘Tis All Hallows’ Eve and all through the yard, the ghouls and ghosts are stirring, so best be on guard! That’s it for my poetic ability, lol, but suffice it to say that we take Halloween pretty seriously in my house. With pre-conference insanity possessing me, I wasn’t much help to hubby in decorating this…
All Hallows’ Eve
Wishing you all a hauntingly happy Halloween!
News & Stuff
I really, really, really have to figure out how to put together a newsletter one of these days. Really. In the meantime, however, here’s a little of what’s going on in my world these days: My book signing last Saturday surpassed my wildest expectations (well, maybe not my wildest, lol, but it was still awesome!)…