Tag: Facebook

  • Rules of Facebook Etiquette for Authors

    A few weeks ago, I put out a call for topic ideas so that I could make sure I’m answering real questions and concerns on my Social Media Monday series. Somewhat to my surprise — because I honestly had no idea this was even an issue — I received a request from blogger Kelsey (Kelsey’s Cluttered Bookshelf) for a post on…

  • 4 Key Ways to Increase Organic Reach on Facebook

    A couple of weeks ago, I posted about why I’m not abandoning my author page on Facebook after the latest round of algorithm changes. I also promised to share with you what I’m doing to keep my page’s organic reach at a healthy 34 to 46 percent, which is well above the industry average of…

  • Why I’m Not Giving Up My Facebook Author Page

    So…Facebook changed its algorithms again this year. I know…big surprise, right? 😉 This time, it was in an attempt to weed out “overly promotional posts,” and as a result, I’ve seen a steady flow of writers abandoning their pages in favour of using their personal profiles instead. As you may have gathered from the title…

  • Facebook Giveaway!

    So it turns out that I have several trade paperback copies on hand of Gwynneth Ever After in its originally published format of A Fairy Tale for Gwyn. With a new print version of Gwynneth scheduled to release in December, I’ve decided to treat these as ARCs (advance reader copies) and give them away on Facebook. Want your…

  • Leveraging Facebook: The Best Way to Post a Link

    Facebook has gone through so many changes over the last couple of years that it’s no wonder no one really knows what they’re doing with it any more. One of the things I see a lot of authors doing “wrong” is how they post links. Fortunately, this is also one of the easiest things to…

  • New! A Facebook App for Author Pages

    Good morning! It’s Social Media Monday here on the blog, and after a couple of weeks of being absent (read: trying to get my act together!), I’m back with a very cool thing that I only just learned about. (In my defense, it’s apparently fairly new. 😉 ) Did you know that Facebook has an…

  • Building Your Facebook Community: A Crash Course for Authors

    After Facebook’s latest round of algorithm changes in December 2013, a lot of page owners—including me—saw a significant drop in the number of people seeing their posts (up to 88 percent, according to Business Insider). Many people cried “foul” on this, seeing it as Facebook’s attempt to make them pay to promote their posts and…

  • The Great Facebook Debate: Page or Profile?

    Early on in my writing career, I made the decision to use a Facebook page for my author presence instead of my personal profile. There were a number of reasons for this. First and foremost, of course, is the fact that Facebook’s policies clearly state that you cannot “use your personal timeline primarily for your…

  • Happy Chocolate Day!

    It’s Valentine’s! Or as we call it in our house, Chocolate Day…for obvious reasons. 😉 I’m celebrating a little reader love with a giveaway on my Facebook page. Hop on over to take part! 🙂   Details: One prize will be awarded to a randomly drawn Facebook commenter. Contest closes at midnight (EST) February 15, 2014.…