Tag: events
Ottawa Mother’s Day Book Signing Event
In Ottawa and looking for a special gift for mom (or yourself) this coming weekend? How about a signed copy of a romance set right here in our region? I’ll be at the Coles Bookstore in Carlingwood Mall on Saturday, May 9th from 11:00 a.m. until 2:00 p.m. signing copies of Gwynneth Ever After (set…
Can-Con 2014: Where I’ll Be & What I’m Doing!
The Conference on Canadian Content in Speculative Arts and Literature (Can-Con) is back for another year in Ottawa, running from October 3 to 5 at the Ottawa Downtown Sheraton. This will be my third time attending the conference, and I’m thrilled to be participating in a variety of panels this time around…plus giving a workshop!…
Friday Stuff
A quick wrap-up for the week before I head off to the nursery and buy way more plants than I need for my vegetable garden (what can I say…it’s an annual tradition! 😉 ): First up, we have winners! Three digital copies of Gwynneth Ever After are going out to Elaine, Mimi, and John —…
World Fantasy Con 2012
So…guess what? I’m gearing up for my first-ever attendance at the World Fantasy Convention next month, which is conveniently being held in Toronto. Convenient for two reasons: first, I can drive there (sooo much cheaper than flying!), and second, said driving will (fingers crossed) take place before the snow sets in. Factor in the fact…