Tag: events

  • Ottawa Mother’s Day Book Signing Event

    In Ottawa and looking for a special gift for mom (or yourself) this coming weekend? How about a signed copy of a romance set right here in our region? I’ll be at the Coles Bookstore in Carlingwood Mall on Saturday, May 9th from 11:00 a.m. until 2:00 p.m. signing copies of Gwynneth Ever After (set…

  • Can-Con 2014: Where I’ll Be & What I’m Doing!

    The Conference on Canadian Content in Speculative Arts and Literature (Can-Con) is back for another year in Ottawa, running from October 3 to 5 at the Ottawa Downtown Sheraton. This will be my third time attending the conference, and I’m thrilled to be participating in a variety of panels this time around…plus giving a workshop!…

  • Friday Stuff

    A quick wrap-up for the week before I head off to the nursery and buy way more plants than I need for my vegetable garden (what can I say…it’s an annual tradition! 😉 ): First up, we have winners! Three digital copies of Gwynneth Ever After are going out to Elaine, Mimi, and John —…

  • Ad Astra 2013

    It seemed like forever ago that I signed up for Ad Astra, and here it is just one day away. Am I ready? HA! Not nearly. (Somebody really has to figure out how to slow down time. Just sayin’. ;)) Ready or not, however, tomorrow morning I’ll be getting into my vehicle and making the five-hour…

  • World Fantasy Con 2012

    So…guess what? I’m gearing up for my first-ever attendance at the World Fantasy Convention next month, which is conveniently being held in Toronto. Convenient for two reasons: first, I can drive there (sooo much cheaper than flying!), and second, said driving will (fingers crossed) take place before the snow sets in. Factor in the fact…