Tag: contest

  • My first-ever award nomination!!!

    It’s the 2nd Annual Boogity Boo Awards over at I Smell Sheep, and yours truly has been nominated! I’m in the running for the “Best Response Taken Completely Out of Context” award, and I need your vote to win. 🙂 There’s an amazing sheep trophy in it for me (not to mention great bragging rights!),…

  • Back on track

    Those of you who follow me on Twitter and/or Facebook know that I’ve been flat out with the flu this week. Yup, my Sins of the Son release week and I’ve spent it wrapped in duvets, using up several trees worth of tissues, downing bottles of cough syrup, and dreaming that I was caught in a blizzard…

  • We have WINNERS!!!

    Huge congratulations (and much throwing of confetti) to Jyothsna and Elaine! You’ve each won a copy of the ARC for Sins of the Son in the favorite quotes giveaway! Email me via the Contact page (link in the menu above) with your addresses and I’ll get those sent out to you…and congrats again! 🙂 And a…

  • Sins of the Son: International ARC giveaway!!!

    Are you ready for it? At long last, it’s ARC giveaway time! (And you thought I’d forgotten. ;)) I have two copies of Sins of the Son up for grabs to readers anywhere in the world. But not just any readers. As a thank you to those of you who took chance on me as…

  • Sins of the Son update

    So, apart from taking winter pictures and dealing with life transitions (again!) as my daughter finishes up a semester of high school and prepares to move to a new setting, I really have been doing some of that writing-related stuff, too. Honest! To bring you up to speed: I’m currently better than halfway through my re-read…

  • And the International Winners are…

    Well, all good things must come to an end, I suppose, and I’m both excited to announce the winners of my International-Only Blog Giveaway and sad that I won’t be receiving comments from all corners of the world anymore. I have very much enjoyed meeting all of you, and am blown away by the positive…

  • New arc contest for SINS OF THE ANGELS!

    So after some initial confusion (turns out that my publisher had already planned a Goodreads giveaway and I kinda jumped the gun…oops), we are getting things straightened out on the contest front. In a kind of good news/bad news thing, here’s the scoop: Ace/Penguin has extended the Goodreads giveaway to 30 copies of the arc…