Tag: book signing

  • News & Stuff

    I really, really, really have to figure out how to put together a newsletter one of these days. Really. In the meantime, however, here’s a little of what’s going on in my world these days: My book signing last Saturday surpassed my wildest expectations (well, maybe not my wildest, lol, but it was still awesome!)…

  • The Grigori Legacy Goes Home

    Given that the Grigori Legacy series begins in Toronto (and, indeed, spends much of its time there), it really was about time that I ventured down to that city to do a book signing…and that’s exactly what I did this past weekend. 🙂 The World’s Biggest Bookstore has been promoting me as its Featured Urban…

  • Grigori Legacy Toronto Book Signing!

    Just a reminder that I’ll be making my first trip to Toronto tomorrow for a book-signing event! For the entire month of June, The World’s Biggest Bookstore has had me as its Featured Urban Fantasy Author (with my own name tag on the shelf and everything!), so it seems like the perfect opportunity to visit the…

  • Toronto Book Signing

    So I have a very exciting weekend coming up…on Saturday, June 23rd, I’m going to be at The World’s Biggest Bookstore for my first Toronto signing — woot!!! I can’t tell you how happy I am to be signing in the city where Sins of the Angels takes place and the countdown to Armageddon begins…and…

  • Keep on swimming…

    I have officially reached the OMG-release-is-three-days-away-I-still-have-so-much-to-do!!! frenzy. Sigh. What is it about big events in your life that no matter how carefully you plan your time, no matter how much attention you pay to detail, everything still manages to spin out of control? In my case, it’s inevitably a matter of underestimating the impact the…