Tag: book launch
Sins of the Warrior Ottawa Launch!
So hubby called me from work this morning and asked me for the link to the Sins of the Warrior launch announcement on my website. …crickets… People, we’re three days out from release day and less than a week away from my Ottawa launch day, and I HAVE NOTHING UP ON MY SITE FOR IT?!? Words…
Official Launch for Forever Grace
As if it wasn’t exciting enough that Forever Grace officially releases today (woot!!!), the print copies I ordered have also arrived! Actual, real, physical copies…aren’t they bee-yoo-tiful? 😀 The best part of their arrival (apart from being able to sigh over them 😉 ) is that it means I can go ahead with the launch I’ve been planning locally (phew!). So…ahem…here’s the…
Sins of the Lost has launched!
It’s here at last—Sins of the Lost has officially launched!!! And what better way to celebrate than with a fabulous giveaway? But…not yet. 😉 First I thought it would be fun to share with you 10 Things You Might Not Know About the Grigori Legacy Series, some of which go back to the very first book…
It’s a Party & You’re Invited!
Sins of the Lost launches in just over two weeks now (October 15), and I’m hosting a launch party! If you’re in Ottawa (or within reasonable driving distance), here are the details: Date: Saturday, October 19, 2013 Time: 7:00 – 9:00 p.m. Place: The Lieutenant’s Pump , 310 Elgin Street, Ottawa, ON We’ll have snacks, a draw…
Back on track
Those of you who follow me on Twitter and/or Facebook know that I’ve been flat out with the flu this week. Yup, my Sins of the Son release week and I’ve spent it wrapped in duvets, using up several trees worth of tissues, downing bottles of cough syrup, and dreaming that I was caught in a blizzard…
In my mailbox
These arrived in my mail yesterday — making Sins of the Son‘s release that much more real…and that much closer! 🙂
Wasn’t that a Party!
Sins of the Angels has well and truly been launched in style! The Collected Works Bookstore in Ottawa hosted a lovely gathering last night to celebrate the first book in The Grigori Legacy series. The official launch was standing-room only after attracting about 80 people… Our good friends at Blue Gypsy Wines provided an array…
On your mark, get set, GO!
Today I kick off the Angels Gather Here Blog Tour for SINS OF THE ANGELS, which releases tomorrow (squeeee!!!). Six whirlwind weeks, 34 stops, and nearly three dozen guest posts, interviews, and Q&As — oh, and giveaways, too. Phew! I am going to be a very busy girl…but in the very best possible way. 🙂 My…