Tag: blogging
What’s New in the Grigori World
So I have a few things to report, and rather than create a deluge of posts for my Facebook and Twitter followers, I thought a quick blog post was the better route. First up, I have picked up the DVD for my first-ever television interview on a local cable show here in Ottawa (Roger’s Daytime)…
Keep on swimming…
I have officially reached the OMG-release-is-three-days-away-I-still-have-so-much-to-do!!! frenzy. Sigh. What is it about big events in your life that no matter how carefully you plan your time, no matter how much attention you pay to detail, everything still manages to spin out of control? In my case, it’s inevitably a matter of underestimating the impact the…
Blog Tour SOS!!!
All right, folks, it’s gearing-up-for-release time, and I’m scrambling to put together everything for my physical launch here in Ottawa as well as my upcoming blog tour (March 21 – April 26). Some of you may have noticed that I’m not very consistent with the whole blogging thing, and there’s a reason for that: I…
Overcoming Over-thinking
Eep! I got so caught up in working on book 3 last week that I completely forgot to post this link. I guest-posted over at Snowdrop Dreams of Books on Friday about my biggest obstacle in writing, over-thinking. If you’d like to take a peek (and leave a comment!), I would be thrilled. 🙂 Have…
Where I am Today
Suzie Ivy of Bad Luck Detective fame is a multi-tasker who puts me to shame. Not only does Suzie work full-time as a cop after going through police academy at the age of 45 — it’s okay, I’ll wait while you re-read that last bit and gape in awe …recovered, now? Good. As I was…
Virtual BookTour How-to
Whether published or aspiring, if you’re an author, chances are good that you’ll do a virtual book tour at some point. And chances are also good that you’ll consider organizing your own. I did so for the release of Sins of the Angels last autumn and thought others might find my experience helpful, so I’ve blogged…
What makes a great character GREAT?
We’ve all read books with characters we connect with more than others, but have you ever stopped to ask yourself why? What makes some characters more memorable than others? Just what is it that makes great characters great? Julie at Yummy Men & Kick-Ass Chicks recently asked this question of a number of authors (including…
Fun interview & chance to win a signed c
Fun interview & chance to win a signed copy of SINS OF THE ANGELS today at Cafe of Dreams! https://tinyurl.com/7z4dzgw
Gobblers and Guest Posts
A very, very Happy Thanksgiving to all my American friends! I hope you all have a wonderful celebration with great food, great company, and a great start to the holiday season…and should you find yourself hiding in a closet/bathroom/other location from family members who’ve had a little too much cheer, I hope you’ll check out my…