Tag: blogging

  • We Now Return You to Our Regular Blogging Schedule…

    So I finally, FINALLY finished Forever Grace last night and sent it off to my beta readers and for copyedits. Yay! And yes, I know that I should technically be sending it to the beta readers first and then making changes before copyedits, but sometimes a writer’s just gotta do what she’s gotta do…especially when…

  • 6 Steps to Fast-Drafting a Blog Post

    A while back, I wrote about why I think it’s important for fiction writers to blog (and what to blog about!) — but sometimes, especially if you’re just starting out — doing so can seem like an insurmountable task. The good news is, it doesn’t need to be that way, because I’m going to give…

  • We Interrupt this Blog Post…

    So. Today is Social Media Monday on my blog…the time and place where I’m supposed to impart some gem of wisdom or another to you that I’ve picked up over my forays into–you guessed it–social media over the last couple of years. Unfortunately, today’s episode isn’t going to happen. Oh, I’ve got all kinds of…

  • Why Fiction Writers Need to Blog (and What to Blog About)

    So, now that you have your author website up and running (and have all the critical elements in place that we discussed last week), I thought we’d tackle another important aspect of your site: the blog. Or if you prefer (and you feel the way I did about blogging when I began), The Dreaded Blog.…

  • Blog Tour Recap: the topics so far

    With the Sins of the Lost blog tour entering its third week, I’ve been somewhat absent from my own little corner of the blogosphere…but I assure you that I’m still kicking around. 😉 And while I may not be writing much here, I’m actually putting a lot of words out there—so I thought you might…

  • A Really Good Blog Post

    Last Saturday, my husband and I went out for our usual weekend breakfast date. We did some brainstorming for book 4 in the Grigori Legacy series, caught up on his week and mine, and then — as it often does — conversation turned to the publishing industry and social networking issues. Hubby is very interested…

  • A Quick Update

    I know, I know…I’m a terrible blogger lately, and I do apologize. Abjectly and heartfelt-edly (I made that one up…can you tell?). I do have very good reason, however, as I’m staring down the proverbial deadline gun barrel…if there is such a thing. (If there isn’t, I just made that up, too. :)) So here’s…

  • Top 10 Posts of 2012

    The other day, Write It Sideways posted a list of their top 10 posts for 2012. I thought this was a brilliant idea and  have forthwith decided to steal borrow it. 🙂 I’ll admit up front that my own list is completely subjective. Some of these posts made the list because they engendered the most…

  • Wordless Wednesday

    If you like my Wordless Wednesday photos, check out my new Woodland Rambles blog for more! 🙂

  • Virtual Cloning: How to be in two (or more) places at once

    “I can’t be in two places at once.” Sound familiar? If you’re anything like me, you’ll have lost count of the number of times you’ve spoken those words to your children/spouse/co-workers/boss/etc. I’ve often wished there was more than one of me (though my husband and children would disagree!), because there just isn’t enough me to…