Tag: announcements
Sins of the Warrior Ottawa Launch!
So hubby called me from work this morning and asked me for the link to the Sins of the Warrior launch announcement on my website. …crickets… People, we’re three days out from release day and less than a week away from my Ottawa launch day, and I HAVE NOTHINGÂ UP ON MY SITE FOR IT?!? Words…
Sins of the Lost Book Trailer
Drum roll, please! 🙂 After much pulling out of hair (and maybe a little cursing), I finally have a book trailer for you for Sins of the Lost. And I’m even going to skip the long-winded technological sob story (suffice it to say that a video wizard I am not) and get straight to the good stuff.…
Book 3 has a title!!!
It’s official, folks — the title for book 3 of the Grigori Legacy, to be released in October this year, has been approved! [insert much whooping and happy dancing here] [oh, yes…and a drum roll!!!] Are you ready for it? All gathered around and waiting with bated breath? 🙂 (You know, it’s really hard to…