Tag: anecdotes

  • Of Potatoes and Fond Memories

    One of the things I love about my Facebook community is how other people are so willing to share their own stories there. When I posted this picture on my Facebook page the other day, one reader told me about how her father tried (and failed) to convince her and her siblings that potatoes were treasures…

  • Two Writers and a Cottage: Adult Supervision Required

    So this week, I’m on a writer’s retreat with Marie Bilodeau. We both have novels to finish and deadlines to meet, and so we’ve holed up in a rented cottage, pumped and raring to go. Marie and I being who we are, however, things haven’t gone quite as smoothly as expected. Here’s a snapshot–and remember, this…

  • Things That Put Me to Sleep (According to my Fitbit)

    One of my daughters (and her new fiancé!) got me this for Christmas this past year. If you’re not familiar with the gadget, it’s a Fitbit. It tracks the number of steps I take in a day (10,288 two days ago, but only 6,635 yesterday because I got lazy and opted out of walking Giant Dog…

  • Bathtub Adventures for Two

    First, let me tell you straight-up that this is almost definitely not the blog post you might expect from the title. Yes, my husband and I were on an anniversary getaway at the time, and yes, the Jacuzzi tub was built to accommodate two. But it wasn’t my husband who joined me there. (And no,…

  • Let the Chaos Ensue…

    When we began removing the vines from the house last week, I knew it was official: after 20 years in our home, we’ve decided to move. It won’t be right away, of course, because there’s a lot of freshening up that needs to be done first. It’s amazing what you learn to live with (and no longer see!)…

  • Of Wine and Romantic Getaways

    I’ve been a little quiet on my social media channels this week, but I have a really good excuse: my husband and I took a two-day mini vacation–our first time away together in four years. And it. Was. Bliss. 🙂 We went to Prince Edward County, a region of Ontario about 2 1/2 hours southwest of…

  • Unexpected Truth in Fiction: The Story Behind Gwynneth’s House

    I recently began putting my contemporary romance, Gwynneth Ever After, onto Wattpad as a serial. Having new readers discover the book has been a lot of fun, because I have a real soft spot for the story myself…and part of what I love about it so much is its familiarity. The story takes place right here…

  • Of Easter Lilies and Not-Very-Bright Cats

    (Yes, yes, I know…I’m supposed to be posting a Social Media Monday post today, but what can I say? It’s a long weekend, I’m lazy, and I may have a slight chocolate hangover. Anyway…you get this instead. 😉 ) I don’t know quite when the tradition started, but when my mother was alive, I bought…

  • The Great Kitten Menace

    You’ve probably heard that Ogden Nash line, “The trouble with a kitten is that eventually it becomes a cat.” Well, I would like to respectfully disagree with Mr. Nash, because it’s not the cat stage you have to worry about, it’s the getting there. Let’s face it, kittens themselves are simply adorable. All tiny, wide-eyed,…

  • Fergus the Wonder Owl

    For those of you who asked to be kept up to date on my Rabbit Wars adventures in the garden, here’s how my predator owl solution has worked out. These are pics of the garden taken this past weekend: As you can see, my veggies are thriving…including the leafy green ones that had previously been targeted.…