The State of the Garden: Early August

Well, I never did get around to planting any seeds this year, but somehow my veggie garden has filled in despite my lack of initiative. I still have a few bare spots, so I may yet get around to putting in some extra lettuce (with my BIC Syndrome challenge going on, my demand for salad these days is far outstripping my garden supply). I already have the hoops in place for plastic to extend the season, and it would be awfully nice to be picking at least some of my own salad fixings into October. 😉

Anyway, this is the current state of the veggie garden:

Rainbow Swiss chard, rosemary. Lettuce in the foreground. Lots of space for more stuff! 🙂
Yellow summer squash in the foreground; basil (dill to the right); tomatoes.
Kale! Two varieties visible here, plus 2 others hidden further back. Oregano, two kinds of sage, peppers, 2 random tomato plants. Volunteer curcurbita (more on that further down).



And this is what the front yard looks like:


Badly overgrown, but still pretty…which means I can get away with ignoring it for another year. 😉

Oh, and that mystery curcurbita that I let grow in the middle of everything? It hasn’t borne fruit yet, but it’s spreading like mad (currently on its way to climbing the garden fence), which leads me to suspect it’s a pumpkin. I’ll keep you posted. 😉




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2 responses to “The State of the Garden: Early August”

  1. photojaq Avatar

    What do you use the hoops for? Are they for shade? if so, what do you drape over them? Or… for bird protection… or maybe even for misting? I’m curious. My Hubby is a plumber and can get some plastic pipe easily.

    1. Linda Avatar

      Hi, Jackie — thanks so much for stopping by! I secure sheets of plastic over the hoops in the spring and fall in order to extend the growing season. It gives me a mini-greenhouse effect. The instructions I used are here: 🙂

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