Recap of a Rollercoaster Week

Goodness, what a week!

Between blog tour, release day, and the first reviews beginning to trickle in, this is pretty much how I felt…


Only maybe not so young. Or thin. But I digress… 😉

To recap, this is where I’ve been & what I’ve done this week:

  1. Guest post at Phantasmic Reads on Procrastination Demons vs. Deadlines (plus a stellar review of Sins of the Lost which Reanna called “one of the most heartbreaking, bittersweet things I’ve ever read,” which may have made me happy-dance). 🙂
  2. A release-day party here on my blog with a Grigori Legacy swag giveaway (congratulations again to winner Stephanie Hansen!) and a post on 10 Things You Might Not Know About the Grigori Legacy Series.
  3. A Facebook release-day giveaway of another swag pack. (See? You really should “Like” me over there so you don’t miss out on these things.) 😉
  4. A guest post on Paranormal Book Club about The Best Part of Writing the Grigori Legacy Series.
  5. Drove my daughter around to various appointments for most of the day and recovered from the flu I contracted on release day. Yes, seriously…talk about bad timing! Although at least I’m recovered in time for my launch party tonight, so no real complaints. 😉
  6. A fun interview on Demon Librarian in which I reveal the name of my favorite character in the Grigori Legacy…and another fabulous review: “…not your typical urban fantasy series. It doesn’t play it safe. You can try to predict and pin it down, but trust me, it’s not going to work.” (Yes, there was more happy-dancing over this one!)

Add to this the usual weekly client project, writing seven (count ‘em…seven) guest posts for upcoming blog tour stops, and even making some progress on the fourth book and yup, it was just a slightly busy week.

But an awesome one. 🙂

Happy weekend, all!


P.S. Remember there’s still 5 other swag packs and a fabulous grand prize package from my publisher up for grabs on the blog tour. You can enter at every stop, and the full schedule can be found at Rockstar Book Tours. Good luck! 🙂



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