Tomorrow marks the first day of another new year. I would have liked to write something meaningful and wise about the changing of the calendar, but the truth is, I got nuthin’. I’m just rather glad to see the back end of 2016, to be honest.
While the year certainly had its high points (one daughter got married, another engaged…we were thrilled with both events! 🙂 ), there was a lot of other stuff went on, too. Stuff that took a lot of energy. A lot. By the time we hit December, the whole 2016 thing felt rather like the proverbial millstone. So yes, glad to see the back of it.
Of course, we never quite know what’s in store for us in the coming year, but for now…for this moment, when we stand on the precipice…it holds nothing but possibility and promise. And for now…for this moment…I’m going to cling to that promise with both hands. And I’m going to hope with all my heart and might that it holds the same promise for you.
Happy New Year, everyone…with all my love and gratitude.
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