Pre-Christmas Panic

So it’s December 1st…how ready are you for Christmas?

I haven’t even started thinking about it, which puts me in a minor state of panic. You see, up until last year, I was one of those hyper-organized Xmas types…you know, the kind that had all her shopping done by the end of November, house decorated, music playing and cards ready to mail out on December 1st,  and wrapping and baking done by the 10th at the latest. This year, however? Not so much.

So far I haven’t even started a gift list (never mind the actual shopping), I have no idea where I put the cards I bought on sale last year, the thought of decorating makes me want to crawl under the bed (to hide, not look for the decorations!), and I’m seriously considering the possibility of purchasing the requisite cookies and other treats.

Okay, so maybe minor panic is a bit of an understatement. Sigh.

Still, there’s 24 days left, right? And now that proofreads are done for Sins of the Son, I should (theoretically) have plenty of time in which to get my act together, right? I mean, really, how hard can decorating-listing-buying-wrapping-writing-mailing-baking-entertaining be, RIGHT?

(Work with me here, people…and please let me know I’m not alone in just beginning contemplation of the holidays!) 😉



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10 responses to “Pre-Christmas Panic”

  1. miki Avatar

    you aren’t the only one…. i try to make my shopping early in case something happen and i’m not able to do it so generally every things is finish for the 10december ( if the tree isn’t there i start stressing so my mother make it but never before the 6december because here siant nicolas is really important too ( we don’t mix ^^;;))

    This year…my mother asked for some books nearly mpossible to find so i’m still searching and now…i have to saty at home because i’ve got a problem at my foot. doctor said: not walking, if it get worse the only solution is operation. So i have to stay in bed most of the day and walk the miminum ( like to go to the table to eat and such) i can’t stay up so no cooking .

    conclusion: no shopping done ( and no bank card so no shopping online possible), no cooking no decorations nothing… ( at leats i will be able to write some card but i prefer my mood a bit better for that ^^)
    i really start to stress because after one week my feet hurt less but still hurt so no shopping this wk either and i don’t know when i will be able to.. Stay Zen…anything can happen even the posivitive

    i wish you all the best

    oh and i ‘ve a question: is the international winners of your blog tour already known?

    1. lindapoitevin Avatar

      Oh, Miki, that’s awful! I’m so sorry that you’re having a rough time leading into the holiday season. 🙁 I hope that your foot improves for you, and that you’re able to pull together a little bit of Christmas for yourself…I’ll be thinking about you! 🙂

      (Yes, the International winners have been chosen…I’m sorry you weren’t one of them!)


  2. Steph from Avatar

    I am done with shopping, I do most thru LLBean. More or less done with wrappage. I may drag the tree out. May not. I buy stuff all year if I see something someone will like. I offer some ideas today on my blog. I bought some cards but eh, we just don’t have that many people. I find the emotional pressure of the holiday the worst.

    1. lindapoitevin Avatar

      I’m sorry that you find the season so emotionally stressful, Steph — I know a lot of people do. I’ve hit the stage where I’ve created massive expectations in my family with regard to traditions and now don’t have the heart to let them down, so I suppose I really have no one to blame but myself. 😉

      Hope you decide to drag out the tree…perhaps you’ll find a little magic under it this year. 🙂

  3. Alaina Avatar

    i hate to say it.. but im pretty much done christmas shopping.. have been since october.. (all thats left is some gift cards).. christmas cards are mailed out (i moved, so i wanted to get them out early so people could write back if they wanted)..

    1. lindapoitevin Avatar

      That’s right, rub it in, Alaina! 😉 Just kidding…I’m happy that you’re on top of things and will live vicariously through you should I not get my own tasks accomplished. 😀

  4. SharonS Avatar

    this is the first year I am not done yet! Thank goodness for online shopping though. I got all the decorations up (took me 3 days!) but I am done. You need to delegate. If your kids are grown, invite them over and put them to work 🙂 I just hope I find time to make my gingerbread cookies to give out. I love doing it, but it is a lot of work!

    1. lindapoitevin Avatar

      I’d love to put my kids to work, Sharon, but two of them are in the middle of final exams at university and the third isn’t a big fan of change & will hide in her room until I’m finished, lol…she’ll probably help with gingerbread cookies, however! Happy preparing! 🙂

  5. SL.Westendorf-Coelho (@SLWestendorf) Avatar

    LOL I feel better now – what is the saying ‘misery loves company’? I have been miserable about the fact I too have not started shopping. Everyone I talk to has their’s done and ask why am “I” so disorganized *rolls eyes*. Walk a mile in my shoes I say… now I can add “I’m not the only one!”

    I know this is not the uplifting response you may have hoped for, but hey, look at the glass half -full – at least you’re not alone! Happy Shopping Linda! I’ll be thinking of you as I stand in hour-long cashier line-ups *grin* Fa-la-la-la-la la-la-la-laaaa! 😀

    1. lindapoitevin Avatar

      Lol, Sandy…and thank you. It’s very nice to have company…especially when that company is so pleasant! Happy shopping to you, too! 🙂

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