Plotting Armageddon: A Progress Report

If you didn’t catch the news yesterday, I’m back to work on Sins of the Warrior, the fourth and final chapter in the Grigori Legacy series. I’d set aside the story at the end of August, feeling the need to take a break from my characters and get refocused. Now, after writing and releasing a contemporary romance novella, Forever After, and writing a second romance novel, Forever Grace (a contemporary/suspense to be released April 24th), I’m returning to what I like to refer to as my dark side. 🙂

To get back into the Grigori story arc, I spent last weekend reading the third book in the series, Sins of the Lost. It’s been about 18 months since I cracked the cover on that story, so it was a great deal of fun to revisit it–and to rediscover all the little twists and turns I’d put into it. Seriously…it’s amazing what you can forget about your own story. 😛

.001After finishing up the reading on Monday, I spent yesterday doing some plotting of Armageddon. I use wipe-off calendars for that purpose–it used to be Post-it notes, but I couldn’t get past the guilt of all that paper usage. Not only are the wipe-off calendars reusable, they also help me keep timelines straight–and to recognize potential timing issues (more about that in a second).

It took a few hours to lay out everything I’d already written because I had to skim over the scenes to remember what I’d written, but by .0001the end of the morning, the entire story–all 77k words of it!–was broken down on my wall.

It was actually a lot more than I’d remembered, but this is a Good Thing, because it means my end-of April first-draft deadline seems eminently doable, yes? Yes. 🙂

In addition to laying out the scenes already written, I also listed the remaining ones that I know still need to happen (those are in the bottom right corner). With roughly 14 of them to go, we’re looking at another 15-20k words, potentially making this the longest book in the series.

Oh, and those potential timing issues I mentioned? I’ve also realized that Day 3 activities may need to be spread out a little bit, because when I look at it this way, I’m pretty sure it’s not physically possible to cram all of that into a mere twenty-four hours.

But hey, no sweat, because that’s what edits are for, right? 😉



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