Pictures From a Writer’s Garden

If you’ve connected with me on social media, you’ll probably know already that I’m an avid gardener…I’m pretty sure every bio I write includes that information! 😉

Playing in the dirt connects me to the earth and makes me feel centered. Calm. A part of something greater than the hurly-burly going on around me. Because I come from a long line of gardeners, it connects me to my roots, too. And despite the impression you may have gained from reading posts such as The Rabbit Wars or Bring on the Zombie Apocalypse, it’s not just about the vegetables.

I turned my entire front yard over to gardening years ago, long before it was ‘in’ — prompting a friend at the time to remark that “you can take the girl out of the country, but you can’t take the country out of the girl!” With things slowly coming into bloom after a seemingly endless winter, it’s nice to pause and enjoy the flowers of my labours…and to share my little oasis with you. 🙂









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4 responses to “Pictures From a Writer’s Garden”

  1. Alice Boschman Avatar
    Alice Boschman

    It seems very peaceful…. 🙂

    1. Teresa Ewasiuk Avatar

      Oooooooh I love it!! Such a beautiful oasis! 🙂

      1. Linda Avatar

        Thanks, Teresa! 🙂

    2. Linda Avatar

      It really is, Alice. 🙂

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