Pictures from a Convention

Three cheers for me — I just pressed ‘send’ and the manuscript for Sins  of the Lost has been submitted!!!  You can’t begin to imagine the happy-dancing going on around here. And not just my own. I think my husband is about ready for a meal that doesn’t come out of a package…and maybe some clean socks. He might even like to see me in something other than pajamas… 😉

Just because the manuscript is done, however, doesn’t mean I get to slack off. No, sirree. I promised a recap of the Ad Astra convention I attended last weekend, and a recap you shall have…complete with photos. 🙂


I knew it would be a good weekend when we saw a real live (figuratively speaking) DeLorean (the car used in Back to the Future) at our first gas stop. Seriously…how cool is that?!?


On arrival, my husband snagged this to take home to our daughter. She informed him that she would have preferred the real thing, of course, but it was the best we could do. 😉


A fan convention is a wonderful place to meet new friends…


…of every size and shape. 🙂


Apparently, it's also a great place to find a dragon hatchling as a new pet for my daughter…


…and one for me. This is Lucifer, by the way. A great name for a dragon, don't you think?


The mass author signing on Saturday evening


And this is Jim Butcher, guest of honor and the person I most wanted to meet at the conference but never managed to connect with. My husband did stand in line to get a book signed for me, though, so all was not lost. 🙂


The convention was totally wonderful and amazing, and I’m already looking forward to my next. I’m also wondering how I managed to make it to this stage in life without ever having gone to one before.


Not even a comic con.

I’ve been deprived, I tell you! 😉




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One response to “Pictures from a Convention”

  1. Diane Avatar

    Wish I could have gone!!! You had a great time, one can tell.
    Happy news about your book too, you’re on a roll.

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