If you’re a Grigori Legacy series fan and you follow me on Facebook and/or Twitter, you may have seen my posts about a new project that appears to be taking me down an entirely new path.
This may have inspired slight panic among those of you who are patiently waiting on book 4, Sins of the Warrior (though you’ve been too polite to comment 😉 ).
Let me reassure you.
First of all, yes, I have decided to take a break from writing the series in order to pursue something new. But no, this does not mean you’ll never find out what happens to Alex or Michael. So why am I making you suffer( apart from the fact that I’m an Evil Author)?
The truth is, as much as I love Alex and her back-up cast, I’ve been struggling with this final story for a few months now. In fact, I’d pretty much taken writing-procrastination to a whole new level lately, and that, to me, signalled a problem. Specifically one of familiarity.
My solution? After five straight years of writing this series, I’ve decided my characters and I need some time away from one another, and so I’m taking a vacation…of sorts. Which brings me to the new project. 🙂
For the next few weeks, I’ve decided to focus on something new…and decidedly lighter than Armageddon. I’m working on a spin-off from my contemporary romance, Gwynneth Ever After, called Forever Grace, along with a novella that will link the two books together. Working with a fresh idea is giving my creative muscles a chance to stretch and renew themselves, and it will give my subconscious the time to mull over some of the issues that have been bugging me about Sins of the Warrior. (I’m a big believer in trusting things to my subconscious!)
Win-win, right? I thought so. 🙂
What does this mean time-wise? Well, you can look forward to a digital release of Forever Grace and the as-yet unnamed novella before Christmas (with a firm date to be announced), and I’m planning to return to writing Sins of the Warrior at around the same time (with brand-new enthusiasm and some serious self-discipline!). Sound good? 🙂
In the meantime, as always, thank you for your continued support and enthusiasm for the Grigori Legacy…I promise to make the final book worth the wait!
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