Netgalley: Another Step Toward Self-Publishing

I’m just a few weeks away from the release ofΒ Gwynneth Ever After and, slowly but surely, I’m making progress.

The ISBN number came through on day 10 of the 6-10 business days I was told it would take. Once I had that, I was able to have the digital file uploaded to Netgalley for reviewers to access. That was finalized yesterday, so if you’re a reviewer and you’re interested in a sneak peek at the book, hasten thee to the Netgalley site! πŸ™‚

And if you’re not a reviewer and you’d still like a sneak peek? Well. I think we need a contest, don’t you? πŸ™‚

So…the Rafflecopter form is below and three digital copies (via Netgalley) of Gwynneth Ever After are up for grabs.Β To enter, you can leave me a comment, “like” me on Facebook, follow me on Twitter, or tweet about this giveaway. Doing more than one of those gains you extra entries, of course. Good luck, and a huge thank you for sharing in the fun of my foray into self-publishing! πŸ™‚

a Rafflecopter giveaway



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23 responses to “Netgalley: Another Step Toward Self-Publishing”

  1. Elaine Avatar

    Hi!! I can’t wait to read it!

  2. Nicole L Avatar
    Nicole L

    Hi! *waves* It’s been very cool getting to read about your adventures in self-publishing. πŸ™‚

  3. Reanna Avatar

    I’m so excited for you, Linda! I can’t wait to read this πŸ™‚

  4. Stephanie Verhaegen Avatar

    Hi! =D This book sounds really great. Can’t wait to read it!

  5. Michelle Hollywell Avatar
    Michelle Hollywell

    I love everything you’ve ever written and can’t wait for more πŸ™‚

  6. Ashley S (My Two Cents) Avatar




  7. Heather Avatar

    Virtual wave being attempted πŸ˜›

  8. Michelle Thomas Avatar
    Michelle Thomas

    Hi Linda, virtual jumping up and down waving both hands yelling me please, me please, lol. Don’t you just love how when they give you a span of business days for something to be done it’s normally on that very last day.

  9. Sue Avatar

    -wave- Hiiiiii πŸ™‚ cant wait to read the book πŸ™‚

  10. tess_42 Avatar

    looking forward to it x

  11. Robyn Jones Avatar

    Sounds like a great book and I love the cover! Good luck with the big release. Thanks for the giveaway!!

  12. Aldera Avatar

    I’m intrigued! Can’t wait til this is available!

  13. Diane Avatar

    HI!!! Big wave….

  14. Anthony Avatar

    Hello dear! I am commenting away!

  15. Ruth Avatar

    *jumping around waving frantically * I would really like me a copy please.

  16. Brenda Sparks Avatar

    This looks really great! It in on my TBR list! *waves madly* Congratulations on your book’s birthday!

  17. Jessica Sullivan Avatar
    Jessica Sullivan

    Hi! Can’t wait to read this book!

  18. Kristi Avatar

    Oh I can’t wait to read this! Anyway, HI!!!! *waves at laptop frantically*

  19. JillA Avatar

    Hi, Linda! Congrats and good luck with your foray into self-publishing. Thanks for sharing your experience along the way.

  20. EmmyRook Avatar

    Hi! Can’t wait to read it. =)

  21. Mimi Avatar

    Hi Linda πŸ™‚ -wave- canΒ΄t wait to read this book πŸ™‚

  22. Anna Avatar

    Hi Linda!
    It’s already past midnight (in Europe) and I should be sleeping…instead I’m surfing the internet, searching for new books I could read.
    I already know your Sins of the Angels series (and I’m so excited for the third book- will you post teasers ? *puppy eyes*) and I’ can’t wait to read Gwynneth ever after. πŸ™‚

  23. Arely Z. Avatar

    Hi!! Congrats πŸ˜€

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