Sometimes when I look at my ever-growing to-do list, I’m inclined to crawl under my desk, curl into the fetal position, and refuse to emerge. It seems that for every one thing I cross off, another five or six get added, which strikes me as being totally unfair. I mean, really, doesn’t life ever slow down?
My massage therapist, who is also a life coach, recommends setting three daily priorities. Once those are completed, she says, the rest of the day belongs to you. I have yet to whittle the priorities down to fewer than six.
Part of the problem, I think, is a the whole motherhood issue. No sooner do I get my three priorities (or six … but who’s counting?) straight when I suddenly find myself coping with others’ priorities as well. For instance, I could honestly live off the contents of the kitchen for several more days … my children, not so much. Add grocery shopping to list. As I’m working from home, I could also live in my pajamas for several days … my office-bound husband, not so much. Add laundry. Now toss in a possible case of strep throat in a child. Add emergency run to naturopath at health food store. It’s also my youngest’s birthday this week, so moving to the top of the list are: bake and decorate birthday cake; take water sample from pool to be analyzed, buy chemicals, and complete pool-opening in time for party; ack!!! buy gift!!!; plan family dinner for day after party; confirm guests and buy more groceries … and so on.
And, lest I forget, I’m also supposed to be writing a book, pursuing freelance projects, building a marketing plan for my September release, searching for the front garden in amongst the weeds, making a token effort to maintain a vegetable garden, clearing out and organizing the garden shed and the garage, looking after a friend’s house, and ….
Oh, to hell with it. Maybe if I take a pillow under the desk with me, I’ll at least be comfortable there!
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