Monday Musings

As we head into another week (can it really be the second week of May already?!?), I thought I’d start a random new blog theme. A theme because I need some way of keeping myself on track and actually posting here. (Me? Sporadic? Damn…you noticed.) And random because you may also have noticed that I tend to roll that way…just ask my family. 😉

So. Here’s the inaugural Monday Musings, under which heading I will be sharing a few observations. Today I have three:

  1. Today was Official Migration day here in Ottawa. I’ve name it this because when I took the puppy for a 5:30 a.m. walk, the Canada geese were headed north by the thousands. I stopped counting when I reached 23 skeins (those are flocks of geese in flight…just learned that!) of at least 100-200 geese each. At that hour, it was pretty much just me, the dog, and the geese…and it was quite something. 🙂

  2. We’re currently doing our taxes (yes, we’re late, but not as late as you think! Canadian taxes are due April 30th), and in the process of adding up all my receipts, I have decided that I may singlehandedly be responsible for keeping Canada Post in business. Did I do anything besides stand in line at the post office last year?!?

  3. I am not as young as I used to be. You may hear that complaint more than once from me…today it’s due to my efforts to prune back the vegetation in my yard. I’ve been at it for two days now, and holy crap, that’s a lot of work. Of course, it’s probably not helping that all those little saplings I planted (when I was young and foolish) have all morphed into tall, bushy, mature trees now. Hey, wait…I could blame the trees…I take it back! I’m as ouch young as ow ever…  😉

And the best part of musing on Monday? It’s more fun when we all take part…so what have you observed in your world lately?



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2 responses to “Monday Musings”

  1. Elaine Avatar

    My musing is more from something that happened over the weekend. My 2 heard old has decided that loves to go to “Targrit”. That should be Target, but when he says it, it comes out Targrit. He cracks me up!

  2. Linda Avatar

    Aw, so cute at that age, aren’t they, Elaine? I love ‘kidspeak’! My girls used to call Loblaws “Loblobs”…with the same parental reaction. We still call it that today, lol! 🙂

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