My name is Linda, and it has been 19 days since I last texted.
Life without a cell phone wasn’t actually that bad for the first few days after inadvertently killing my Apple account. In fact, there was a certain sense of adventure that came with heading off into the world without the safety net of perpetual connectivity; a certain freedom that came with the silence.
But I’m done with that, now. And I suspect my husband and youngest are done with it, too. (“Can you text your sisters/daughters and tell them…?” has worn a little thin. 😛 )
I want my GPS back so I don’t have to remember to print off a map before I leave home and then pull over three times to check it when I’m going someplace new. I want to be able to check the hours of a store/event that I’d like to go to without having to first return home. I want to be able to look things up on the spur of the moment. I want to be able to call or text someone to let them know I’m running late…and I’d like them to be able to do likewise. For that matter, I want to call or text someone just to say hello and let them know I’m thinking about them. Sometimes, I need an answer now and not three hours or two days later when someone gets around to checking the message I sent them on Facebook Messenger.
My name is Linda, and I’m ready to have my Apple account back anytime now, please.
Please? 😀
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