It’s Release Day!!!

Sins of the Son hits bookstore shelves today and there aren’t words nearly adequate enough to describe how thrilled I am. Two years ago, the idea of publication was still a dream for me…and now here I am, with my second book releasing. Frankly, it still feels a little like a dream…but a really, really exciting one. 😉

It’s also a dream I never could have achieved without an awful lot of people believing in me even when I found it hard to believe in myself. So before we head off to celebrate, I’d just like to say thank you to my family and friends, my critique partners, my agent, my editor, and especially you, my readers.  Thank you for taking a chance on me, a debut author, and buying my book. Thank you for venturing with me into the world of Alexandra and Aramael and the One; and thank you for your enthusiasm, your support, and the many notes you sent telling me that my story kept you up late into the night (I’ve kept every single one :)). Thank you all so much…and I truly hope you enjoy Sins of the Son!

And now it’s party time!!! Julie at Yummy Men & Kick-Ass Chicks (such an awesome blog name :)) is very kindly hosting my release day celebration today, complete with a face-to-face video interview, confetti, and a great INTERNATIONAL giveaway. (More giveaways happening throughout the day on Twitter…follow me @lindapoitevin for those.) Come join us for some insight into the writing of The Grigori Legacy series, and for your chance to win!



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16 responses to “It’s Release Day!!!”

  1. miki Avatar

    Congratulations i’m so happy for you.
    I don’t have twitter so i won’t be able to follow you there but i’ve see and really enjoyed the interview. Thanks you for such a great giveaway i really hope to be lucky this time ( and even if i win i will still follow the tour of course but for me print books are so precious…)

    all the best and enjoy this wonderful day!

    1. lindapoitevin Avatar

      Thank you so much, Miki! Print books are indeed precious, and I’ll keep my fingers crossed for you in the giveaway!

  2. Rich Weatherly Avatar

    Congratulations Linda!

    Amazon has posted my review of Sins of the Son. I hope it lives up to your expectations.

    1. lindapoitevin Avatar

      Thank you, Rich, and your review is absolutely fabulous! I’ve been retweeting it every chance I get. 😉 Have a wonderful day!!

  3. Gina Adams Avatar

    Congratulations,Linda! I am ecstatic for you and your ongoing success! Congrats, congrats, congrats! ;D

    1. lindapoitevin Avatar

      Thank you, Gina! 🙂

  4. stellaexlibris Avatar

    CONGRATULATIONS Linda!! I am so excited! 😀

    1. lindapoitevin Avatar

      Thank you so much, Stella! (Me, too!) 🙂

  5. Jen J. Danna Avatar

    Congratulations! A very happy day indeed! 🙂

    1. lindapoitevin Avatar
  6. Jyothsna Avatar

    Happy release day Linda!

    1. lindapoitevin Avatar

      Thank you, Jyothsna! Did you ever receive your ARC?

  7. Savannah Chase Avatar

    Huge congrats on the brand new release…I wish you all the success and many sales…

  8. Sandy Westendorf Coelho Avatar

    Congratulations Linda on what I know will be another fabulous book in your legacy series!
    I lift my tea cup to you – have an incredible day! ☼ Can’t wait for my book to ship *squeee*
    You go girl~ 😀

  9. Jyothsna Avatar

    I did receive my ARC and I sent you an email too…:)

    1. lindapoitevin Avatar

      And I probably replied and everything *sigh*. Forgive my thinking today…I have the head cold from hell and my brain is just not functioning. Sorry! 🙁

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