A few months ago, it occurred to me that, in all the books I had written (nine at the time), I had never once included a pet.
Why not? I have no idea. Especially given that so many pets share my own home… or run it, depending on your perspective. (If you follow me on Facebook, you’ll know that I’m owned by a really, really big dog, four cats, and a rabbit. And if you don’t follow me there, you should… because pet pictures. 😉 )
When I realized the ongoing (and unforgivable) omission in my stories, I was shocked.
Totally taken aback.
And determined to remedy the situation.
So that’s what I did. BIG time. Last Friday, I released my tenth book, Abigail Always, the fifth in my Ever After Romance series, in which there is (finally!) a dog.

And not just any dog. A really, really big dog. With an even bigger heart and a role to play in the story that might just make you shed a tear or two (in a good way, I promise).
But you shouldn’t just take my word for it. You should totally read it for yourself–and if you’re quick, you can do so for just 99 cents on all the retailers. (Sale ends Wednesday, April 3rd)
Oh, and just so you know? There’s a romance going on in the book, too. 😉

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