Just How Effective IS Social Media for Authors?

Good morning, and welcome to another Social Media Monday!Social Media Monday

Last week, something occurred to me. Here I am, handing out advice to all of you on a variety of social media-related topics, but I had no idea whether or not social media actually worked. At least, not with regard to book sales.

Oh, I like being on social media (Twitter and Facebook are my favorites, and yes, you should totally join me there 😉 ), and I had the impression that it was beneficial to my book marketing efforts, but I had no proof. No way to determine whether or not the time I invested was paying off in anything more than sheer fun. 

So I put together a poll. It was very informal (my statistically-minded daughter would cringe at my methodology), but it gave me my first real insight into the efficacy of my online involvement. Here was the question I put out on Facebook, Twitter, and my blog (which also feeds into Goodreads):

Fans of the Grigori Legacy series, I’m curious. How did you discover the books?

a) Bookstore
b) Online retailer
c) Friend recommendation
d) Social media (Facebook, Twitter, Goodreads)
e) Other (?)

Like I said, it was pretty basic, and it was intended to get a sampling rather than definitive data. I think the results, however, are still interesting:

Bookstores accounted for 10% of readers discovering my books.

Online retailers accounted for 2.5%

Friend recommendations accounted for 8%

Other (conventions, events, etc.) accounted for 20.5%

And social media? That accounted for a whopping 59% of readers having discovered me (interestingly, the majority via Twitter). That’s better than half my book sales made because of my engagement in the online communities I’ve built.

Are these figures scientifically accurate? Almost certainly not. But they’re enough to keep me chatting away with readers — past, present, and future — happily and guilt-free. 😉

P.S. If you’re just finding the Social Media Monday series, check out last week’s post for a listing of all the articles so far — and please share!

P.P.S. Do remember that I’m primarily a writer…feel free to check out my books while you’re here! 😉



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6 responses to “Just How Effective IS Social Media for Authors?”

  1. Sandy Williams Avatar

    Wow, I have to admit I’m surprised Social Media ranked that high! That’s encouraging.
    And discouraging, too, since I’ve been awful at social media lately. lol I enjoy it, too, but I’m attempting to focus on finishing my book right now. Um, that’s not going well either. heh.

    1. Linda Avatar

      Um…if I recall, you have very young twin boys. At your stage, I wasn’t even ATTEMPTING to write, lol! Give yourself credit for what you DO accomplish, my friend. ((hugs)) 🙂

  2. Diane Avatar

    Ok I was surprised by the numbers but glad for you that social media is working!!!

    1. Linda Avatar

      I am taking the numbers with a grain of salt, Diane — but they are definitely encouraging! 🙂

  3. Kelsey Avatar

    That a big percentage for social media! I can believe it though, I spend a lot of time on Twitter and that’s how I find a majority of things, including asking for book recommendations. 🙂

    1. Linda Avatar

      Good to know, Kelsey! 😀

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