I’ve been promising another blog giveaway for a while and guess what? It’s time! π
I was actually going to call this the Cleaning Off My Office Shelves Giveaway, but Hot August Nights just has a nicer ring to it, don’t you think? (Probably why Neil Diamond didn’t write a song about cleaning his office. ;)) Especially when we’ve been blessed (here, at least) with an incredible stretch of weather as we wind down our summer.
So why consider the former title at all? Because when I started poking around amidst the piles of stuff I seem to be accumulating in my office, I discovered things I’d forgotten I even had–stuff that I’d intended to give away all along. Which makes for a really cool grand prize package that will include a Sins of the Son coffee mug, a Grigori Legacy tote bag, a Grigori Legacy spiral notebook, an Angels Gather Here pen, aaannnd…a signed copy of Sins of the Son. See? Much cleaner shelves. π
Plus, in order to spread the love around a little bit, two additional winners will each received signed copy ofΒ Sins of the Son as well. And yes, it’s open internationally.
Sound good so far? Excellent! Then here’s what you have to do to enter:
- Absolutely nothing except leave me a comment with your email address so I can contact you if you win.
No, seriously. That’s it.
Of course, if you’d like to do more, I would be eternally grateful if you would tell others about the giveaway, too…either by tweeting a link, mentioning it on your Facebook page, or providing a link to it from your blog. And if you haven’t already, I’d love it if you’d like my Facebook page, too…just sayin’. π
Random winners will be chosen at 9 p.m. EST on August 31, 2012. Yes, I know midnight is the standard cut-off time, but it’s also two hours past my bedtime…sorry!
Enjoy the rest of your summer! π
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