Hot August Nights Giveaway!

I’ve been promising another blog giveaway for a while and guess what? It’s time! πŸ™‚

I was actually going to call this the Cleaning Off My Office Shelves Giveaway, but Hot August Nights just has a nicer ring to it, don’t you think? (Probably why Neil Diamond didn’t write a song about cleaning his office. ;)) Especially when we’ve been blessed (here, at least) with an incredible stretch of weather as we wind down our summer.

So why consider the former title at all? Because when I started poking around amidst the piles of stuff I seem to be accumulating in my office, I discovered things I’d forgotten I even had–stuff that I’d intended to give away all along. Which makes for a really cool grand prize package that will include a Sins of the Son coffee mug, a Grigori Legacy tote bag, a Grigori Legacy spiral notebook, an Angels Gather Here pen, aaannnd…a signed copy of Sins of the Son. See? Much cleaner shelves. πŸ™‚

Plus, in order to spread the love around a little bit, two additional winners will each received signed copy ofΒ Sins of the Son as well. And yes, it’s open internationally.

Sound good so far? Excellent! Then here’s what you have to do to enter:

  1. Absolutely nothing except leave me a comment with your email address so I can contact you if you win.

No, seriously. That’s it.

Of course, if you’d like to do more, I would be eternally grateful if you would tell others about the giveaway, too…either by tweeting a link, mentioning it on your Facebook page, or providing a link to it from your blog. And if you haven’t already, I’d love it if you’d like my Facebook page, too…just sayin’. πŸ˜‰

Random winners will be chosen at 9 p.m. EST on August 31, 2012. Yes, I know midnight is the standard cut-off time, but it’s also two hours past my bedtime…sorry!

Enjoy the rest of your summer! πŸ™‚



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91 responses to “Hot August Nights Giveaway!”

  1. Bea @Bea's Book Nook Avatar

    Ah, cleaning, ’tis a wonderful thing. I recently did a major clean up and clear out of my condo and got rid of. so. much. stuff. Plus I’m clearing off my shelves and giving away a bunch of books. It feels good to clean out.

    beasbooknook AT gmail DOT com

  2. Sonia Cristina Avatar
    Sonia Cristina

    I love cleaning my bookshelves! Nothing gives me more pleasure that keeping them clean of dust and, very important, everything ordered, in the right place.

  3. miki Avatar

    Thank you a lot for opening this giveaway to international, i will sure to tell others about it ^^

    i have a copy of sins of the son already but i would be delighted by the swag( note book and pen ^^ ah my first love for when i was too young to buy books)


  4. Melody May Avatar

    I’m so glad you were cleaning, so we all can have a chance for the prize.


  5. Janhvi Avatar

    Thank you so much for the giveaway and for making it international! πŸ™‚

    justjanhvi at gmail dot com

  6. Emeraude Avatar

    I love it when she does that!! She always knows how to please her fans!

  7. Elaine Avatar

    Cleaning is always a good thing! This is a great giveaway!

  8. Laurie-hester Avatar

    I <3 winning!

  9. Ren Avatar

    Always love when author do giveaway internationally (we International readers deserve love too). I also tweeting :

    Thanks for the giveaway!
    sawamura_foxman AT yahoo DOT com

  10. Deea Avatar

    Eeep! That’s the bestest prize ever!:D *fingers and toes crossed I win* :)) I’d love to have at least one of your books signed and that notebook looks amazing! And the mug… and everything. Thank you for the giveaway!<3

    (I'll tweet and post it on my blog)

  11. Qwill Avatar

    Wow! I think you should clean off your shelves more often!! πŸ˜‰

    the qwillery 2 @ gmail dot com (take out the spaces and add a .)

  12. Elizabeth H. Avatar
    Elizabeth H.

    I concur with Qwill! I “Liked” you on Facebook and shared about the giveaway. I also follow you on Twitter and retweeted the giveaway!
    FB: Elizabeth Haney
    Twitter: elizhaney
    e: ehaney578 at aol dot com

  13. winnie Avatar

    Glad you can get some cleaning done; speaking of cleaning I need to get to it as well, lol. Thanks for the giveaway!


  14. anna Avatar

    Oh whee!! I love easy international giveaways πŸ˜€

    natanna (at) gmail (dot) com

  15. sarah farrow Avatar
    sarah farrow

    ooooh I love giveaways – cant wait for sins of the righteous!! x

  16. Olga Avatar

    I’m in! Choose me, choose me! Eh, I know it’s random. Still… It’s good to dream from time to time, hehehe.
    It’s great you’re making the give away πŸ˜€

  17. Turner K Reeves aka @CorvyusLunus Avatar

    Oh cleaning! I need to do this, but instead i sat down and started drawing angels from your wonderful book! I love them, and your world! Its fantastic and a world i just wand to sit and draw all day! I would be honored if you picked me!

  18. Laura D Avatar
    Laura D

    That sounds wonderful! Hopefully I get something πŸ™‚ keeping my fingers crossed.

    duval1977 at gmail dot com

  19. Ruth Avatar

    An international giveaway. Yes, that would definetly heat up the August we are having in this part of Europe. And yes, I shall share this.

  20. Cameron of What the Cat Read Avatar

    Wonderful giveaway! Course, this reminds me of how much reorganizing of things I have to do here at home. I might have to do my own clearing of shelves event soon. =^.^= Thanks for the opportunity and good luck to everyone who enters.

    Ldyskyfire at hotmail dot com

  21. Barbara Elness Avatar
    Barbara Elness

    You never know what you’ll run across when you start cleaning. πŸ˜€ Thanks for thinking of your readers.

    Barbed1951 at aol dot com

  22. Spav Avatar

    I have to confess I’ve never cleaned my bookshelves … which means sometimes I buy 2 copies of the same book because I’ve forgotten I already had it.


  23. Alan Avatar

    What a Cool idea, my friend. Keep on cleaning πŸ™‚

  24. cristina Avatar

    Ah this is such a good idea! πŸ™‚ cthompson520@gmail(dot)com

  25. Bethany C. Avatar
    Bethany C.

    Duuuuude! (Due to rules, technically that is an entry.)


  26. Dian Setyarini Avatar
    Dian Setyarini

    Oh.. I love this giveaway πŸ˜‰

    dians2007_db AT yahoo dot com

  27. Kara Avatar

    Thanks for the great giveaway.


  28. Amber Avatar

    I <3 your books!!! Thanks sooooo much for the giveaway~~~

  29. Amel Armeliana Avatar
    Amel Armeliana

    Hi Linda, thank u for this giveaway and making it international. This is totally awesome!
    I shared this giveaway on my twitter account
    and pinned it on pinterest.

    my email : amel(dot)armeliana(at)gmail(dot)com

  30. Sullivan McPig Avatar
    Sullivan McPig

    Thanks for the awesome giveaway and for making it international.


  31. Alexandra Avatar

    Great giveaway Linda!! Thank you for the chance to win this πŸ™‚


  32. Karen Senoo Avatar

    Amazing giveaway, thanks!


  33. Dallass Avatar

    Fabulous giveaway! Would love to add them to my bookshelf πŸ˜›

  34. blodeuedd Avatar

    I had not liked your FB page! But I fixed that now πŸ˜€ And went and shared the original post at once

    blodeuedd1 (at gmail dot com)

    And yay for a cool contest

  35. Brenda Sparks Avatar

    Wonderful giveaway! Thanks so much!! (Promoted it on Twitter.)

  36. Christopher Chapman Avatar
    Christopher Chapman

    I missed out on the last giveaway, not this time!


  37. Christopher Chapman Avatar
    Christopher Chapman

    Not sure if you would be able to receive the email, from the location where it asks for it, so I’m going to comment again, with my email.

  38. Marie Haney Avatar
    Marie Haney

    What a fantastic giveaway! πŸ™‚

    I love cleaning and straightening my bookshelves. It just makes you feel a thousand times better, right? πŸ™‚

  39. Sarah G. Avatar
    Sarah G.

    It’s been Cold Summer Nights here where I live, lol! But this is definately a HOT giveaway! πŸ˜‰

  40. Emilli Avatar

    Oh my God… only just seen this… -.- Such a good prize to give away… best author or what?!β™₯β™₯ Email:

  41. Ileana A. Avatar
    Ileana A.

    Thank you so so much for the giveaway!
    I tweeted:


  42. Aldera Avatar

    What a great giveaway! I’m heading to re-tweet right now.

  43. Jall93 Avatar

    Thank you for the international giveaway!

  44. AleL Avatar

    Thanks for the giveaway! πŸ˜€ email:

  45. JoseLu Avatar

    hey!!! Thanks for the giveaway and for making it international… my email is:

  46. Sheryl Avatar

    Great giveaway!!! Thanks for the chance to win!!!!

  47. Gablue! Avatar

    yeeeeey! an international giveaway!!!!! THANKS πŸ™‚

  48. Artemis Avatar

    I hope you had a wonderful summer. Thank you for the giveaway, they seem very beautiful!

    artgiote at gmail dot com

  49. Lis Carcamo Avatar

    Thanks so much for this chance! And have an awesome summer!!!
    lis.krkmo5 at gmail dot com

  50. Palas Avatar


    You better do this more often XD jajajaja… but you know, it’s also a good idea to do at home… hummm maybe I can start with some stuff in my room… my desktop has lots of papers and books… and stuff jejee…

    Well, my email will be yeeeeiii!!!! πŸ˜€ I can’t wait!!!!!

  51. Jall93 Avatar

    thaks again! here my email
    jlagosluna at gmail dot com

  52. Diane Avatar

    Reading usually takes precedence over cleaning out but I’m glad you had time to do some!!!

  53. Diane Avatar

    Reading usually takes precedence over cleaning out but I’m glad you had time to do some!!!
    And I forgot to add my email:

  54. Lynda Avatar

    Whoot giveaway!! Please count me in!
    tdomalley1 at gmail dot com

  55. Michelle Hollywell Avatar
    Michelle Hollywell

    If I win, we agree to meet halfway with McCain Cake and Ice Cream. πŸ™‚ mhollywell at hotmail dot com

  56. SharonS Avatar

    I wasn’t going to enter because I have a copy of the book, but after seeing that awesome notebook! I gotta try πŸ™‚ plus my copy isn’t signed so I would enjoy having that too πŸ™‚ thanks for hosting the give away
    sstogner1 at gmail dot com

  57. AmyS. Avatar

    I don’t clean my shelves. I should. My family tells me too but I always have something better to do. Like reading. Thanks for the giveaway. Awesome prize.

  58. Katie Amanda Avatar
    Katie Amanda

    What an awesome giveaway! I love signed copies! Thanks


  59. Alaiel Kreuz Avatar

    I shared it in my FB page and Twitter πŸ˜€ Everything looks amazing, and that mug is great! A perfect giveaway, Linda, thanks for the opportunity! :]

  60. Kat Dowling Avatar
    Kat Dowling

    This is an awesome giveaway,I shared it on my FB, i am really enjoying sins of the son.
    My email is

  61. Denise Z Avatar
    Denise Z

    My coffee is certainly calling for that awesome mug πŸ˜‰ It is so awesome that on these hot August nights we get to benefit from your clean office makes me smile just thinking about it πŸ™‚ Of course I liked you on FB and tweeted about the fun!

  62. Michelle McMichael Avatar
    Michelle McMichael

    Summer is already over for us, not that we see much of it in Scotland!
    Bookshelf cleaning is the only kind of housework I enjoy, thanks for thinking of us while you did it! I love the slogan πŸ™‚
    Shared the post πŸ™‚


  63. Karyn Ryan Avatar
    Karyn Ryan

    Oh linda your brave.. i would be afraid to tackle my bookshelves!! i’d be terrified of what i would find.. i think even some of my old school books are hidden there and that’s going back a few years. (more then a few) i was thinking you should change your name to Charlie!!! cause we’re all your angels Ha ha. Sharing the post now on facebook. Go team Seth!! (i’m a bit biased i know , can’t help it, i love him)

  64. MaijaS Avatar

    I can`t believe you had such goodies lying around in your office! πŸ˜€
    Thank you for this giveaway and for making it INT!
    my e-mail- maijasteinbrika (at)

  65. sienny Avatar

    i’m in! thanks linda!

    smile_1773 at yahoo dot com

  66. Kerry Avatar

    Not thrilled about the cleaning, but – another persons trash…LOLOL

    Thanks for the giveaway and will definitely tweet!

    kerryjcj AT verizon DOT net


  67. Rebecca Mills Avatar
    Rebecca Mills

    I went ahead and posted and shared

  68. Jordan Avatar


  69. Jocelyn S. Avatar
    Jocelyn S.

    Shared post:) Thanks for cool giveaway:)

  70. Natalie Idrogo Avatar

    Your swag is AWESOME!! I am in love with it!! Here is to hoping I win~I am posting your giveaway on my page.

  71. Katrina Tinnon Avatar

    Awesome swag! It’s so pretty! Thanks for the giveaway opportunity.

    bookishthingsandmore at yahoo dot com

  72. Belinda Payne Avatar
    Belinda Payne

    Amazing stuff!! Love to win. thanks@@

  73. bobby newman Avatar
    bobby newman

    Thanks for your giveaway. WINNING!!!!!!

  74. Liss Martz Avatar
    Liss Martz

    Thank you!! Looks awesome!! Tweeted:


  75. Vicki Avatar

    Leaving a note cause swag is awesome, and it means I can give a book to a friend to read (and not lose my own copy!)
    eilan1206 at gmail dot com.

  76. Carmen Avatar

    I’ve been wanting to get the book, but a signed copy? Yes, please! Good luck to us all. πŸ™‚ cs94wahoo AT gmail

  77. hollybindurham Avatar

    Thanks for the giveaway!! Maybe, when you’re done, you’d like to come help ME with a little shelf-cleaning?!?! No, probably not πŸ˜‰


  78. Melliane Avatar

    Wow thanks for this great giveaway! I heard so many wonderful things about this second book and I can’t wait to learn more so thanks again!

  79. Sabrena Avatar

    O.o I hadn’t entered this yet? Where’ve I been? πŸ˜›

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  80. Melissa (My words and pages) Avatar

    Ooooh, this is amazing!! I love the spiral notebook and mug, and pen, and the book! πŸ˜€ Thank you for the chance.


  81. Claire Avatar

    Ah, I hope I win, thanks for the awesome giveaway!!!

  82. Janet Palmer Avatar
    Janet Palmer

    Count me in please πŸ™‚ x p

  83. Kendal Avatar

    Great giveaway! I really need to do some fall cleaning!


  84. Cherry Mischievous Avatar

    Thank you for the chance to win!

    Cherry Mischievous
    cherrymischif-spamme (at) yahoo (dot) com

  85. D. D. Syrdal Avatar

    Fun! And a great way to end the summer πŸ˜‰

  86. Anaβ™₯ Bech Bum Reads Avatar

    Thanks for the giveaway! Woot for cleaning off the shelves! I have a feeling I’m due for that as well. Love Host August Nights better as well πŸ™‚ Thanks again for the giveaway!



  87. Nicole Luiken Avatar

    Can’t resist entering giveaways…

  88. Seth H Avatar
    Seth H

    Looks like a nice prize!

  89. kels! Avatar


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