Grigori Legacy Toronto Book Signing!

Just a reminder that I’ll be making my first trip to Toronto tomorrow for a book-signing event! For the entire month of June, The World’s Biggest Bookstore has had me as its Featured Urban Fantasy Author (with my own name tag on the shelf and everything!), so it seems like the perfect opportunity to visit the city — especially since Sins of the Angels takes place there. 🙂

If you’re in Toronto (or near enough to manage a visit), I would love, love, love to meet you! I’ll be taking the train down on Saturday morning (I do so love the train, don’t you?) and I plan to be at the store from 1:00 p.m. until things either slow down or they throw me out…but at least until 4:00, so stop in and say hi!

And if you can’t make it but know someone in the area you think might like The Grigori Legacy books, please let them know…the more, the merrier. 😉

Have a fabulous weekend!




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4 responses to “Grigori Legacy Toronto Book Signing!”

  1. Diane Avatar

    Hope you get tons of fans, I’m sure you will!!!

    1. Linda Avatar

      Thank you, Diane! I’m going to try to remember to take pictures so I can show everyone on Monday. 🙂

  2. Jerome Peterson Avatar

    Good luck to you and I hope you sell lots of books. I’ve never been to Toronto. I think I would enjoy it. I like trains too. Peace.

    1. Linda Avatar

      Thanks, Jerome! I think you would enjoy Toronto, too. So much to see and do there!

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