Grigori Legacy News!!! (At last!)

I know I’ve been hinting at this (okay, promising it) for weeks now, and I am soooo sorry it has taken longer than I expected, but…fanfare, please…I am thrilled to finally be able to announce that there will be an all-new Grigori Legacy book out in October!!!

Yes, folks, book 3 in the series is coming! I don’t have a whole lot of details just yet (I’ll let you know more as I find out), but here’s the basic scoop:

  1. The book will be released in October (yes, this year!) in a digital-first format under Penguin’s InterMix digital imprint.
  2. It will be available through all the usual online places (Amazon, B&N, etc.), and in all the usual formats: Kobo, Kindle, Nook, etc.
  3. Print readers need not despair! If you don’t own an e-reader but still want to find out what’s in store for Alex, Seth, and Aramael (not to mention the sister and niece O.O), you can read the e-book on your laptop, desktop, iPad, iPod…heck, even on your smartphone. Kobo, Nook, and Kindle all have free downloads for just this purpose.
  4. Even more good news if you’re an international reader: the digital versions of all THREE books: Sins of the AngelsSins of the Son, and book 3 will all be available in English worldwide.

All this brings me to one final detail that may or may not have escaped your notice…we don’t have a title yet. Rest assured that we’re working on it, however (we’re tossing around bunches of ideas at the moment), and a final decision is expected in February/March. That’s about the same time as I’ll have a brand new cover to show you, so there’s lots to look forward to! 🙂

So…is anyone as excited as I am?!? 😀

 UPDATE: Sins of the Lost, book 3 in the Grigori Legacy, is now available on Kindle, Kobo, Nook, and iBook. No e-reader? No problem! Check out how you can use an app to read on your computer/other device! And happy reading! 😀



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16 responses to “Grigori Legacy News!!! (At last!)”

  1. miki Avatar

    does it mean it will never be published in print? ( because the application doesn’t work on every computer)

    1. Linda Avatar

      Hi, Miki! The book is being published digital first, with a physical book possible in future but no concrete plans for it in place at the moment. Do check into the Kobo/Kindle/Nook downloads for computers again, though — to my knowledge they work on all platforms. Hope this helps! 🙂

      1. miki Avatar

        i will hope for the physical book to add with the first too ( digital book aren’t for me, only pdf and still i prefer print)

        thank you a lot for answering

  2. Sonia Cristina Avatar
    Sonia Cristina

    Good news! It’s reassuring to have, finally, a date for the release of a new book.

    About the title: isn’t it Sons of the Righteous?

    It won’t be available in print, only as ebook?

    1. Linda Avatar

      Only as an e-book for now, Sonia, but print is always possible in future. 🙂 As for the title, yes, that was the one I was working with, but we’re looking at other possibilities as well. Stay tuned! 🙂

  3. SharonS Avatar

    Congrats! Looking forward to the cover reveal 🙂

    1. Linda Avatar

      Thanks, Sharon — and me, too! 🙂

  4. Alaiel Kreuz Avatar

    Woohoo!!! I can’t wait to have it already, specially the paperback edition so I can put it with my other two books 😀

    I’m so very happy with the news^^

    1. Linda Avatar

      Thank you, Alaiel! 🙂

  5. Gemma Avatar

    Will it ever be issued in physical form? I like having collections of books

    1. Linda Avatar

      You must need a lot of bookshelves, Gemma! 🙂

  6. Sandy Coelho Avatar
    Sandy Coelho

    Congrats Linda! I look forward to reading book 3. Awesome news 🙂

    1. Linda Avatar

      Thank you so much, Sandy! 🙂

  7. Heather Avatar

    YES! Just as excited as you are! 🙂

    1. Linda Avatar

      Thanks, Heather! 🙂

  8. Julie Avatar

    Not sure how I feel about all of these ‘digital first’ publisher things but WOOT to the next book! I can’t wait to read about Alex, Seth, and Aramael and let’s not forget the sister and niece O.O. Great news Linda!

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