I’ve been in a rut. Not because I didn’t have things to do (believe me, I don’t expect a shortage in that department during my entire lifetime!), but because I just didn’t seem to be able to get myself focused on doing any of them.
I’d created goals and to-do lists. I’d implemented schedules and refined my processes. I’d bookmarked interesting articles and compiled endless lists of blog topics. I’d even given myself permission to take time off. And still I sat, staring at a blank monitor and achieving exactly nothing.
And so I did the only thing that was left for me to do: last weekend, I Feng Shui-ed my office. If you’re not familiar with the concept, Feng Shui is (basically) the ancient Chinese practice of arranging your physical surroundings in order to maximize positive energies.
I know, I know. I was pretty skeptical, too (though not nearly as much so as my husband), but hear me out…because it worked. Seriously.
I went from eking out a painful 200 words a day (if I was lucky) on my current work-in-progressto effortlessly rattling off 863 on Sunday, 1,923 on Monday, and 1,220 on Tuesday. Also on Monday, I wrote a blog post on Facebook pages vs. profiles (a post I’d been struggling with for two solid weeks), caught up on my email, and completed three additional projects I’d been putting off for almost a month. In addition to my Tuesday word count, I wrote this blog post (which appeared yesterday on The Concise Blogger as well); and on Wednesday I drafted an article over which I’ve been dithering for more than a month.
All this from a couple of hours of physical labor on a Sunday afternoon.
Here’s what I did:
- I moved my desk, which was facing the window, to a corner and positioned it so my back was to the wall (for energetic support) and facing the door (so I would see opportunities coming).
- I cleared away all the clutter (which impedes the flow of energy), keeping at hand only what I use every day, and putting the rest of it away.
- I made sure all five elements were represented in their correct placement, starting with a metal (for financial success) lamp in a western corner; another lamp representing fire (to boost action and productivity) in a southern location; and a picture of a waterfall for water (to promote networking, travel, and learning) in the north. In addition, wood (to promote creativity and symbolize loyalty) stretches wall to wall in the shape of my hardwood floors, and earth (to create a firm ground for building relationships) is amply represented in the sand-coloured walls and sofa.
I suppose it’s possible that I’ve talked myself into my improved focus and productivity (as my husband claims), but in the end, I don’t really care much how it’s working — just that it is working…for whatever reason. If you’re feeling stuck yourself, why not give it a try?
The article that originally inspired me and helped me make the changes can be found here. Good luck — and happy reorganizing! 😉
P.S. If you do try, be sure to stop back and let me know what your results are!
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