You’ve heard about life imitating art, right? Well, I have a prime example of that happening in my own life, and in a distinctly woo-woo kind of way. See, I was doing the dusting the other day and, on a wall clock, I found this:
I know what some of you are thinking, “So what? It’s a feather. Big deal.” But consider these facts:
- We don’t own a bird. Haven’t in years.
- The house is dusted on a regular basis, so this is recent…as in the last two weeks.
- We have screens on all our windows and doors, so no bird has gotten into the house.
- We have two cats, so if a bird were to get into the house, trust me, we’d know about it.
- The cats never go outside, so they couldn’t have brought anything in with them.
- I write about angels.
- Archangels.
- With black wings.
See what I mean? Getting chills yet? Join the club.
And yes, I’m doing a fair bit of looking over my shoulder as I write these days.
Woo-woo, I tell you. Definitely woo-woo.
(Maybe I jinxed myself with this post I wrote for Moonlight Gleam’s Bookshelf a while back. Thoughts?)
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