Feathered Omens…

You’ve heard about life imitating art, right? Well, I have a prime example of that happening in my own life, and in  a distinctly woo-woo kind of way. See, I was doing the dusting the other day and, on a wall clock, I found this:

I know what some of you are thinking, “So what? It’s a feather. Big deal.” But consider these facts:

  1. We don’t own a bird. Haven’t in years.
  2. The house is dusted on a regular basis, so this is recent…as in the last two weeks.
  3. We have screens on all our windows and doors, so no bird has gotten into the house.
  4. We have two cats, so if a bird were to get into the house, trust me, we’d know about it.
  5. The cats never go outside, so they couldn’t have brought anything in with them.
  6. I write about angels.
  7. Archangels.
  8. With black wings.

See what I mean? Getting chills yet? Join the club.

And yes, I’m doing a fair bit of looking over my shoulder as I write these days.

Woo-woo, I tell you. Definitely woo-woo.

(Maybe I jinxed myself with this post I wrote for Moonlight Gleam’s Bookshelf a while back. Thoughts?)



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5 responses to “Feathered Omens…”

  1. Carol Avatar

    Maybe they heard about all your canning and wanted to check it out….feather on the clock was a hint to SLOW DOWN, take some time now! 🙂

    1. Linda Avatar

      Nah…it was a reminder that time is short and I’d better get my butt in (higher) gear, lol! 🙂

  2. D. D. Syrdal Avatar

    Hmm. Might want to set out an extra place setting for tea. 😉

    1. Linda Avatar

      Ooh…can you imagine sitting down to tea with Michael? Mmm…. 🙂 🙂

  3. Aerin Avatar

    best way to find out is to see what your heart says. what does it mean to you?

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