One short year ago, it felt like forever before my first book would hit bookstore shelves…and now not only has Sins of the Angels been out for almost six full months, but I find myself counting down the weeks until the secondbook in The Grigori Legacy follows suit.
Yes, folks, it’s officially countdown time for Sins of the Son…and in keeping with my promise to you, I’ll be starting Teaser Tuesday again next — you guessed it — Tuesday. 🙂
Five weeks with five different teasers to (hopefully) whet your appetites for more. (I’ll be honest, I intended to do seven weeks, but a little lack of organization at my end resulted in one of those “omigod, it’s already the middle of February?!?” moments. So…my apologies, and I hope you’ll forgive me.) I also hope you’ll enjoy your sneak peaks into what’s waiting for you in Sins of the Son: The Grigori Legacy 2.
Oh, and there’s just one more thing while I have your attention…a huge and heartfelt thank you to each and every one of you for taking part in my adventure! 🙂
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