Coming Clean About SINS OF THE WARRIOR

All right, friends and fans, it’s time for me to come clean.

A lot of you have been asking when you could expect to read Sins of the Warrior, the fourth and final book in the Grigori Legacy series. If you thought you sensed a certain reticence on my part with regard to an answer, you were right.

You see, there’s been some uncertainty surrounding the book’s future. Not about whether or not it will get written (I’m working on it, I promise!), but about how and when  it will be published. Despite the amazing support of you, my readers, the Grigori Legacy didn’t quite find the large audience that it needed in order to continue with Penguin USA, my current publisher.

Though Penguin will continue to publish the first three books in the series, the question became what to do with the series finale, Sins of the Warrior. And I’m pleased to announce that — at last — I have an answer.

Many of you will already know that I’ve been posting Gwynneth Ever After as a free serial read on Wattpad. I’ve been calling this my Great Wattpad Experiment, and I must say that I have been blown away by the results. So much so that I’ve decided to move into a whole new Wattpad phase.

Yup, that’s right. Starting next week, you’ll be able to read Sins of the Warrior — a chapter at a time and in its beta state — on Wattpad. For free.

Sins of the Warrior


My reasons for taking this path are threefold:

  1. You guys have been incredibly awesome and patient and supportive. I think you’ve waited long enough (more than!), and releasing the story as it’s written is my way of saying thank you for that patience and support.
  2. Committing to the release of a chapter or two every week will provide me with the impetus I need to finish the story. I write better when faced with accountability of some kind. You’re now that accountability.
  3. I’m also hoping new readers will find the story on Wattpad and become fans of the series, because…well, sexy bad-ass warrior angels, amiright? 😉

Now, I want to be very, very clear on the whole beta aspect. While I tend to edit my writing as I go, Sins of the Warrior is a work in progress and will not be in its fully polished state. There will be errors, there may be omissions, there could even be plot holes big enough to drive a semi through. Feel free to point those things out in the comments section on Wattpad. Just remember that while your input is welcome and valuable to me, it won’t necessarily result in a change to the story.

When the story is complete, it will disappear from Wattpad, undergo a complete editing process (substantive, copyedit, and proofread), and then be released in e-book format for purchase if you would like to have a finished copy.

So there you have it, my friends — Sins of the Warrior will make its online debut next week with the first two chapters, and I will be adding one to two chapters every week after that. If you’d like to read this beta version of the story, follow me on Wattpad, and you’ll be notified whenever a new chapter is added.

I am so hoping you like this rather mad idea of mine…please do leave me a comment below to let me know your thoughts! 😉


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22 responses to “Coming Clean About SINS OF THE WARRIOR”

  1. sharonstogner Avatar

    sorry to hear about the publisher thing, but happy you are going in a new direction and giving the fans this wonderful opportunity! I will be waiting by the computer each week to get my fix 🙂

    1. Linda Avatar

      Thanks, Sharon! I’m a big believer in the “everything happens for a reason” philosophy, so I’m quite looking forward to seeing where this new approach leads. 🙂

  2. Bea @Bea's Book Nook Avatar

    That’s a shame that Penguin bowed out but I’m glad you are continuing with it. I hope this experiment turns out great for you.

    1. Linda Avatar

      Thanks, Bea! I’m quite excited about my little “experiment” and can’t wait to share the story with everyone. 🙂

  3. Yvonne Avatar

    woohoo! I’m so happy to be able to read Sins, Linda, although I’m really disappointed about the publisher’s decision. Good for you for finding this great alternative.

    1. Linda Avatar

      I’m happy you’re happy, Yvonne! And yes, I think Wattpad will be a fantastic alternative. 🙂

  4. Paul Anthony Shortt Avatar

    I’m sorry to hear about Penguin dropping the series. This sounds like a brave move on your part, though.

    1. Linda Avatar

      Thanks, Paul…I have to say that given the results I’ve had with Gwynneth, I’m really keen to give this a go. 🙂

  5. Kimberly Avatar

    I am truly upset with the publishers on your and our behalf. I’m floored that you are graciously offering to let us read a chapter at a time. It’s a wonderful thing for you to do. I’ll be reading and when you publish I will of course buy it. Best wishes on your writing and just keep doing what your doing! We’ve loved it so far!!

    1. Linda Avatar

      Aw, thanks, Kimberly! I’ve been expecting Penguin’s decision for a while, so I’m honestly not that upset about it. And I am THRILLED to be sharing Sins of the Warrior with everyone! 🙂

  6. karyn ryan Avatar
    karyn ryan

    I truly am shocked and hurt at how penguin are giving up, and I truly congratulate you for
    your braveness in taking it in a different direction for which ‘I am extremlely thankful for, and I can assure you I will defintely be buying the finished product, thank you for writing a brilliant series

    1. Linda Avatar

      You’re so sweet, Karyn! Thank you so much for the support! 🙂

  7. Gemma Avatar

    Must. Get. Wattpad. Account

    1. Linda Avatar

      Yay! I’ll look forward to seeing you there, Gemma! 🙂

  8. Carmel (@RabidReads) Avatar

    Where there’s a will there’s a way!

    1. Linda Avatar

      Hehe…I’m nothing if not determined, Carmel. 😉

  9. Debra Sylver Avatar
    Debra Sylver

    I am sorry to hear that Penguin made such a bad decision, but I am looking forward to reading Sins of the Warrior! Have to get a Wattpad account now 🙂

    1. Linda Avatar

      I’ll look forward to seeing you there, Debra! 🙂

  10. Joan Avatar

    Penguin is losing out. Hopefully, another publishing company will snatch you up. Of course, I’ll be reading on Wattpad!

    1. Linda Avatar

      Excellent, Joan! I’ll see you over there. 🙂

  11. D. D. Syrdal Avatar

    Nothing wrong with going with self-publishing. Kudos to you for believing in it enough to press on. Not surprising about Penguin’s decision, though. If you don’t sell a bazillion copies these days most of them can’t be bothered with you. Someday they’ll be sorry when it gets made into a series of movies 😉

  12. Linda Avatar

    Now, wouldn’t that be LOVELY? 😀 Thanks, D.D.! 🙂

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