Chills, Thrills & Supernatural Spills!

Guess what, guess what, guess what!!!


A brief catch-up, first, because it’s been a little while ahem since I last posted here, and a few  things double ahem have happened. So, very quickly, here’s the re-cap:

  1. Now that I have my rights back to the Grigori Legacy series (I told you about that, right? If not…surprise! I have my rights back. 😀 ), I’m relaunching all four books with new covers, fresh edits, and…are you ready for this?…a new pen name!
  2. The new pen name is Lydia M. Hawke.
  3. Lydia has her very own website and newsletter (which you’ll want to sign up for if you’re a fan of my urban fantasy novels because NEWS, right? 😉 ).
  4. It’s kinda weird having an alter ego…but I’m getting used to it.
  5. I–she–we?–recently applied for a spot in a StoryBundle…and got in!!

There. All caught up. Now where was I?

Oh, yes…a StoryBundle…and it releases today!!! You can get fourteen (14) amazing novels (including the not-yet-released Sins of the Angels ebook) in one awesome “Weird Thriller” bundle curated by bestselling author Kevin J. Anderson, and you set the price you pay.

You can read all about the books you get, how StoryBundle works, and the charity your purchase helps to support (because there’s that, too!) right here. Or if you prefer, you can go straight to StoryBundle to make your purchase.

Spread the word by sharing this post (click on the buttons below)…because who doesn’t love supporting a charity and indie authors AND getting a great deal on books?!

Until next time, happy reading!




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