Can-Con Schedule

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It felt like it would take forever to get here, and then BAM! Can-Con is here! This weekend!!! And I’m so excited to be going again!

How excited am I? I’ve roped half my family into not just going with me, but participating, too. My youngest daughter will be streaming the event live on TwitchTV — if you’re too far away to attend, you can check out some of the panels and catch interviews with authors on her stream. Wave if you see me! 😉

Hubby is also coming along this year to do a workshop on Sunday about getting the police details right in fiction. For those of you who don’t know, he’s a 33-year veteran of Canada’s national police force, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, and regularly acts as story consultant for me with regard to the police procedural part of my books. (So you can thank him for Alex carrying a pistol rather than a revolver, and other such small but important details.  😉 )

And I’ll be there, too, of course, so if you’re planning to attend, this is where you can find me over the course of the weekend:


Noon – 2:00 p.m., Salon B

Workshop – Leveraging Wattpad: How to turn free reads into paid-for books (Register here)


1:00 Salon D

Linda Poitevin & Marie Bilodeau Reading Hour – Sins of the Warrior, Nigh, and a surprise

2:00 Salon B

Serialization Past and Present

Marie Bilodeau, Robert J. Sawyer, Linda Poitevin

4:00 Salon D

Romance: A Readers’ Panel

Nathan Burgoine, SM McEachern, Jennifer Carole Lewis, Leslie Brown, Linda Poitevin (moderator)

6:00 Salon F

Advice to Aspiring Writers on the Craft

Gabrielle Harbowy, Linda Poitevin, Amal El-Mohtar, Robin Riopelle

7:00 Salon D

Fantasy Novels: A Readers’ Panel

Jonathan Crowe, Peter Halasz, S.M. Carriere, Nicole Lavigne, Linda Poitevin (moderator)


10:00 Salon B

How to Get Traditionally Published – The Process

Linda Poitevin, Leah Petersen, Eric Choi, Kate Heartfield

So…see you there? 🙂

P.S. Haven’t got your tickets yet? You can get them at the door, or online here!





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One response to “Can-Con Schedule”

  1. Debbie @ Silk&Serif Avatar

    Thanks so much for posting this, Linda! I totally forgot about Can Con! Can’t wait to see you in action!

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