Random Thoughts and Other Important Stuff

My writing life…exciting news and updates!

So things have been happening around here in my writing life. Exciting things. SERIOUSLY exciting things. Like signing with a brand new agent. Who…

Treasured Sweater Memories

I have a treasure in my office. It hangs on the back of my chair for whenever I need it–which is most days, because…

Shadow of Doubt Cover Reveal!

I am beyond thrilled to finally show you the cover for my upcoming romantic suspense release, Shadow of Doubt! This one was a toughie,…

Calling all readers!

Hello, dear readers! I have a special project going on…wanna help? (Spoiler alert: it means you get to read my new books before they’re…

A Home Without Books

A couple of weeks ago, I posted about volunteering as an English tutor for Syrian refugees here in Ottawa. I didn’t mention it at…

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